118 - Rebecca

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"Becky, Becky, Becky."

A voice was speaking with no body to speak with.

"All I heard was your name, Becky."

It continued, taunting me.

I was searching every dark area around me desperately for whoever the hell was talking. It was a little cold out here, which didn't help my nerves as I waited for someone to show themselves.

"That girl is persistent when she wants to talk. You'd know that, though, wouldn't you? You are her sister, after all."

My eyes moved over a figure in the dark but it disappeared before I could identify it. This was getting frustrating.

"I thought I'd leave you alone for now, let you frolic around outside."

The voice continued and I closed my eyes. I needed to focus my ears; I needed to find him before something bad happened.

"But as you were walking out, I couldn't help but notice that your body is amazing."

My eyes flicked to a spot just beside the venue's door, where a pool of light revealed James. I met a pair of green eyes with a silver ring around them. My heart jumped and James drew in a breath before he continued. "Oh, I forgot to mention how great you smell, too. You know, I thought your sister smelt disgusting when I first met her. I got used to it, over time. Now, though?" He cringed so that I could see it. "I can't stand it because yours is so much better."

"Too bad," I snapped at him, taking a step back.

"I can assure you, I will take your blood if I want it."

"Try me," I growled.

James disappeared only to jump right in front of me. He pushed my back against the wall and held me there by my shoulders, glaring down into my eyes. I forgot to look away.

The stunning silver ring expanded to the edges of his eyes as he spoke to me in a deep, menacing tone. "You want me. You don't want anyone else but me. I can do whatever I want to you. You won't complain, you won't argue, you won't scream. You'll enjoy it and then when I'm done, you'll forget all about it and go on with your life."

I wanted him. For a few moments, I wanted him. I let him take hold of my hips and waist without protest and I let him press his body to mine. I let him lean down; I tilted my face up to kiss him, even.

But then that desire for him dissipated in a cloud of smoke. Anger bubbled up instead and I shoved him away as hard as I could. My eyes were burning into his, a snarl escaping my lips. "Get the fuck away from me. Try your shit on someone else."

As I was about to lunge at him to punch him, I saw a car pulling onto the parking lot. It distracted me enough that I wasn't paying attention to James as he recuperated and slammed me against the wall, his hand at my throat.

"You bitch. You do not fucking touch me. No one touches me. Especially not you, you little slut."

"How am I a slut, genius?" I fired back.

James' eyes turned completely vamp now. The green turned red and the silver disappeared. His whole face was vampiric, right down to the fangs poking out of his mouth as he hissed in my face. My first human instinct was to cower back but I brushed that off. I basically growled back at him, my hands pushing against his chest. He wasn't letting me move him any time soon.

Whether punctuality was a problem or not, Jax still arrived, and he arrived just in time for James to savagely try to bite my neck. He didn't get close before I heard Jax yelling, "hey!" and running for us. James snarled in his direction, backing away from me. I took the opportunity to fling my fist into his face, surprising him enough to send him down to the ground with a grunt.

Without a moment of hesitation, I had Jax's arm in my hand and I dragged him inside. The door shut behind me, the blood that had drained from my face slowly returning. I took a second to breathe while Jax was silent next to me.

I realised there were no sounds at all: we weren't safe yet.

"Shit," I muttered as I pulled Jax through the empty room toward the showroom. We had to get to the presentation and we had to get away from James.

Heart pounding, I burst into the showroom, through the crowds of people, and to my studio's name—the Woods' LA branch managed by myself. Jax had been following me uselessly the whole time with worry plastered on his face. When we stopped, however, that worry turned into panic.

"Ms Woods... what the fuck just happened?" He asked frantically, his voice low enough that only I could hear him.

"It doesn't fucking matter. Watch out for that guy. His name's James—he's with Angela."

"Your sister?" I gravely nodded. "Does he... does he hurt her?" My eyes flicked to Jax's face before switching to scanning the room. "Jesus. Is this why you wanted me here?"

Perfect excuse.

"Partly, yes. And I do think you're worthy to be here."

He paused. "You do?" I gave him a look. "Right. Sorry. Um... god, this just became ten times more nerve-wracking."

"Don't think about it," I muttered, staring at a woman who was staring back at me. My heart started to pound erratically in my chest as I prepared myself for what was about to happen. "We have bigger issues."

"Bigger issues?! Like what?" Jax hissed. My finger pointed at the woman now coming towards us.

"My mother."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now