183 - Sam

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I ran just behind Colby as we darted through LA toward Julian's house. With Elton and Devyn's expert spying skills, we'd managed to discover where Julian lived fairly quickly, leading us to set up a raid as soon as. Without Jake and Tara, we had to send Griffin and Xepher ahead of us to check the place out and it appeared that it was empty so we could go and snoop around as much as we pleased—or even wait until Julian got home to rid of him for the final time.

Ever since Rebecca left, Colby had pushed us as hard as he could to get us here, on our way to maybe destroy Julian. He didn't care how we did it or how little we slept, he just cared that we got rid of the biggest threat to Rebecca's life. She was all he cared for now and I couldn't be happier that he'd found something to love, even if it broke him when she said they were done.

Making Rebecca safe became mission number one, aided by myself. I kept everyone in check and made sure we never slacked. This was important to all of us, not just Colby or Katrina or Tara.

Just this once, I had brought Katrina with me. Griffin promised he would run her far, far away if it came to it, but for the time being, I was allowing for her to come along and help us to snoop. Julian's house was a big one meaning we needed as many hands, eyes and brains as possible on the case—and humans, since there might be a threshold.

As Angela had known Julian—as River, but she'd still known him—she was also here. She knew the places he liked to hide important shit and she would be the best at sniffing out a clue out of nothing.

The whole gang were here besides Jake and Tara, essentially.

Julian's house was a comfortable distance away from both ours and Rebecca's apartment, yet it was fairly close to the Crows' feeding house. I assumed that was intentional, especially when I saw the door that was clearly meant to lead you onto a straight path to the long, empty road the feeding house sat on.

Upon arriving, we saw Griffin and Xepher sitting on a silver car parked in the driveway. They looked casual as can be, his arm around her shoulders as they lounged back waiting for us. They perked up but only a little when they noticed we were there. Colby glanced at the car they sat on before he motioned them down.

"Everything's safe," Griffin said as he slid onto the ground, "we did a full perimeter check and everything. Can't even smell the dude."

"That seems a bit suspicious," I admitted quietly, peering at Colby. He didn't care, I found, when he motioned for Kevin and Elton to start towards the house. My open mouth closed and I carefully pushed Katrina towards Xepher and Griffin just in case. Xepher took her hand for my peace of mind.

As Elton and Kevin crept forward, we all watched over the area. If someone came out of nowhere and tried to attack them and us, we had to be ready, after all. Nothing seemed to happen for a while, however, as they made it onto the porch and got cockier with their steps. I had my eyes trained on the line of trees off to the side that would work as the perfect cover.

"Seems fine," Reggie muttered nervously as Kevin got too close to the front door. He moved his foot to walk inside but instead of entering, he was propelled backwards and over our heads. Only a few of us turned to watch it happen, everyone else glaring at the front door, which for the first time I realised was open. Why would it be open?

Elton carefully reached out to reveal the faint aura of a threshold keeping him out. "The fuck?" He snarled, carefully banging his fist against the invisible barrier. His arm recoiled back. "Why would he have a threshold on this place? He's a vampire."

"He might not be living there alone," Aryia pointed out sounding distracted. I glanced at his face to see him staring up at a window with a woman inside. She looked terrified staring down at us, quickly backing out of our view.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now