143 - Rebecca

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We figured everything out before the gut feeling set in. Colby was mad at me for even thinking I should go into the house, let alone for getting everyone to agree with me and actually make the plans. He'd been outside, according to a very, very quiet Tara, since he left, and I'd yet to acknowledge that he was gone. I was sat in his chair like it was my own and bossing most of the clan around in the same fashion. They let me.

Once we had a plan down, however, Sam gave me a completely unnecessary look. He was begging with his eyes, telling me to go out and speak to Colby. I knew I had to: I was his girlfriend and the reason for his separation from the rest of us. I didn't know what I was going to say yet or even if it would make it better or worse. I hoped better, I genuinely did. I didn't want to fight. Not today, at least, when there was so much going on.

Reluctantly, I walked out of the red room and through the house. My boots sounded loud on the floors with every step I took, my heart beating too fast in my chest. When I reached the door to the backyard, I peered out at Colby.

He sat next to the pool watching it with his legs bent at the knees and his arms wrapped around them. I could see that he was zoned out completely; lost in his own thoughts.

Attempting to be quiet, I crept outside to the spot next to him. If I scared him, he didn't mention it as I sat down and copied his pose. He didn't even look at me. Alright, maybe I deserved this.

Before I could even get a word out, though, Colby interrupted me. "I didn't lash out," he said quietly, taking me off guard, "because I'm trying to change." He paused. "For you." I was silent. "If there is no you, I'll revert to the guy who snaps his friends' necks on the regular. I don't want that, and neither do they. The least you could do is help me out here."

My mouth opened and closed again in surprise. I hadn't expected a speech.

His jaw clenched. "I need you to stay alive, Rebecca. Going into that building, there's nothing I'll be able to do if someone tries to bite you—and they will try to bite you. You have no idea how good your scent is."

I gulped. "I know how to defend myself. No one will even get close."

"You don't know that," he denied. And no, I didn't know that. He was right.

"What else would you suggest? This plan will work, but if you have another one that doesn't put me in that house, then I'm all ears."

Colby went silent. There was no other way if we wanted River's real details. If they were even there, that was, but we couldn't focus on that when I was trying to convince Colby to let me go in. That would be detrimental to the issue at hand.

After a while, Colby met my eyes. His were the most blue I'd ever seen them, vulnerable and pleading. I felt my heart break just looking at them. "Just don't go in completely alone." I opened my mouth but he cut me off. "Angela can go with you, she's in no danger at all of getting bitten by another."

I frowned. "How do you know that?"

"You're going to have to just trust me until I have the balls to answer that question," he replied causing me to frown harder. He said no more about it, turning his head to the water again. I couldn't take my gaze away from his face.

"Colby, is there something you need to tell me?" I asked quietly, my body raging with nervous energy. Whatever it was, it didn't seem bad.

"Yes, but not now," he replied, too fast. I narrowed my eyes. "You can stare at me like that all you want, I'm not saying anything." He met my stare with a small, charming smile that completely had me. "Trust me, I'm not ready for that yet."

I drew in a breath. "Why do I feel like it's really important?"

"Because it is."

"The others know?" He nodded silently. "Angela?" Another nod. A few little things she'd said tonight flashed through my mind, but I didn't say them out loud. I had to wait for Colby to be ready. I waited for him to be ready to have a girlfriend, and now he has me. I waited for him to fall in love with me, and he did. I trusted him wholeheartedly, so I knew I could trust that this secret was a reasonable one. He wasn't ready. I had to respect that.

With no other way to tell him that, I shuffled closer to him and took his face in one hand. My palm pressed to his cheek as I kissed him so gently I almost couldn't feel it. This wasn't a kiss asking for passion or a good time; this was a kiss asking for forgiveness and love. Both of which he gave me in that very moment.

He didn't move his hands and he didn't turn to me. I didn't get on top of him and I didn't get impatient. We just enjoyed the kiss for what it was, which somehow still meant amazing and tingle-inducing.

When we pulled back, he placed one last little peck on my lips then smiled to himself and took both of my hands in his. He kissed the back of them, squeezing slightly. I smiled, too, unable to help it.

"We always work it out," I muttered, looking up into Colby's eyes. I could drown right here and right now in them. His smile made them look brighter, too, not to mention the slight reflection of the water in them.

"Yeah," he agreed softly, turning his face into my hand. He took a low breath and the silver around his eyes expanded a little. I raised a brow at him. "If you want."

"If I want," I scoffed, "duh." He smiled and kissed me. Next thing I knew, we were in his room.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now