159 - Rebecca

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When I looked up, I saw Kevin. He stood there grinning at me as I started to glare, the dagger discarded beside me. I saw this as my opportunity and I was so angry at him that I couldn't convince myself against it. Moving in probably a blur for Katrina and Angela watching, I grabbed the dagger and launched up, slashing Kevin's arm. He automatically hissed at me, his eyes turning red with what I assumed was anger. Now, this was someone I could fight.

Kevin lunged for me—acting only on anger—and I dodged him before grabbing his arm, twisting it around his back, and, after hearing it snap, kicking him so he fell. He snarled on his way but I ignored it, dropping quickly down with him. I mimed staking him just as Xepher started towards me.

Surprising myself, I turned in time to push her by both of her shoulders. She staggered back giving me chance to round-kick her to the floor. There was a gentle thump when she fell and I mimed staking her too.

My heart was pounding, the adrenaline in my veins giving me more energy than I'd ever had in my entire life. It was probably why I couldn't feel Xepher had clipped my arm until my body got over the adrenaline, which was very quickly. I glanced down at my forearm, where there was a slow trickle of my blood trailing to my hand.

This time when someone moved towards me, I knew who it was; I knew they weren't coming to fight with me; I knew they were just going to remove me from the situation, but I was still in the mood to fight, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do to make this day even better than it already had been.

When Colby's hand gently grabbed my arm, I quickly spun on him—as fast as he could move—and threw a punch, of sorts. He blocked it but I went for another with the other hand. After a couple, he got a hold of my wrist, twisting me around and pulling me against his chest. He leaned down to my ear. "Nice try."

I wasn't done. I slipped my one leg back between his and hit one of his calves so that he'd lose his footing. As soon as he did, I grabbed his arms and lurched forward. He basically flipped over me, landing on his back with a little grunt. A smile was on my face, I knew it was, but before I could lose my lead, I pretended to stake him.

Mike instantly whistled while claps erupted all around me. Tara cheered for me and Jake started to laugh above the whistles. I looked down at Colby, still smiling. He looked torn between finding it funny and getting up to go again. I made the decision for him, placing a peck on his lips then standing up fully. To my surprise, he let me help him up, too.

"Impressive, Rebecca. I like that move you did, I might try it next time," Mike said with a massive smile on his face. "Considering you just kicked Colby's ass, I'm guessing no one else wants to fight her?"

"I-" Tara cut herself off when her mouth opened. She'd inhaled to speak and the blood still dripping down my arm had finally got through to her. It looked like she paled as she suddenly went still, the silver around her eyes expanding ever so slightly. I stared at her, waiting for her to make her move, but she stayed put. Jake put a hand on her shoulder for security while Colby casually pulled me a step away from her.

After a few moments, she took a long, deep breath, but didn't say anything else. I supposed no one else was going to fight me, which I was a little upset about. I was enjoying myself, even if I'd gotten unreasonably angry.

Colby pulled me to the side now and took my arm in his hand. This time, I didn't fight him over it, I just let him check out the wound. I wasn't looking at him until I felt his tongue and my head snapped instantly. He licked the blood from my arm then stood up casually, oblivious to the huge gasp from Angela.

"Colby!" Cassie exclaimed, gaining his attention. He was smirking when he glanced at her before winking at me. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help the little smile that came over my face.

For the first time, the adrenaline and excitement from fighting fled to somewhere else in my body, and I was looking at Colby in a completely different way. His smirk got a little wider, but he didn't say, or do, anything about it.

Mike set off another spar while I tried to get my hormones under control so I didn't jump Colby out here. I could tell, deep down, that watching me fight would've affected him. There was no way that tonight wouldn't end with the two of us pissing off everyone else in the house.

Despite that, we controlled ourselves as we settled to watch the fighting again. Colby stood behind me once more, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, but this time he didn't rest his chin on my shoulder; he pressed his head against mine. I found myself smiling a little, though I tried not to let it show too much.

We got some more looks, just because everyone found it so damn funny that we were "cuddling" in front of them all. I got a sense of deja vu when Jake challenged Colby to a fight again, especially when he kicked his ass without a second thought. I loved to see it, so when Colby came back to me, I rewarded him with a proper kiss—a little more than just a peck.

He smiled after and tugged me to stand against him, face-to-face this time. I was clutched to his chest with his arm around me. Not as good as the other way, but much easier to kiss him if I wanted to.

By the time training ended, everyone was tired... except for me and Colby.

God help the rest of them.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now