155 - Rebecca

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Nobody questioned Mother, and I knew it was because Dad was going to do it in private. I dreaded to think of the fight they would have, but I also didn't care because he needed to know about her. He needed to help her, or at least set her straight on what would happen if she didn't stop this. I knew she'd tried, but this was life-threatening now and she had to stop.

She and Dad left, leaving all of us sitting in the living room processing what we'd been told. There was only silence for a few seconds, considering my sister was in the room. "The reason you were upset," she said, "it was because you saw Mom at the feeding house, wasn't it?" I didn't respond, just stared at her. "Fuck," she breathed.

"You got that right," I grumbled back. "If she can't change we're going to have to drag her ass down here and surveillance her like we did you."

"That probably won't work. Mom really did stop for a while, you know. It's just... you miss it one day and you have to go back. You can't help it. I'll only be able to resist because I have my One."

That word made me straighten up. "Right," I said, turning my head to look at Colby, who looked like he wanted to sink into the wall. "You have some explaining to do."

If he could blush, I knew he would be. He moved in a blur toward me and grabbed me, then everything was a blur. I knew we weren't just going to his room because it went on much too long for that. I just clutched to him and waited for us to stop. We ended up in my apartment by the kitchen.

He stopped and looked down at me, his eyes bluer than they had ever been before. "Today has been a very long day," he said slowly, his hands sliding down my back to my ass, almost making me laugh, "and we've been given a lot of information. Can I tell you tomorrow?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You definitely will tell me?" He nodded. "Then don't stop there." I slipped his hands beneath my skirt with a smirk on my face and took a hold of his neck. He smiled back at me, playing slapping my ass with one hand before he pressed his lips to mine. I tried not to smile into the kiss, but it was pretty difficult when I felt so happy. I didn't know what it was.

He slipped his tongue in, though, and that's when the atmosphere changed. I got grabby with him, tugging his shirt against me as I ran my hands over his chest and abdomen. It didn't take me long to pull the shirt over his head so I could feel what was beneath it.

He pulled the flannel shirt off of me and threw it to the side. "I'll be taking that back later," he said into our kiss and I giggled. His hands slid down to my thighs, lifting me from the ground. He walked me at a human pace to his bedroom, my legs wrapped around his waist.

As soon as I was on the bed, clothes just seemed to come off faster and faster until, if my father were to walk in, he may have reconsidered not killing Colby.

It wasn't the morning that I woke up, nor was it midday, or even, technically, afternoon. When I woke up, the room looked golden from the glow of the setting sun shining through my window, and pairing that with the arms that were tightly wrapped around me, I couldn't have been happier. Sure, there were tons of things that needed to be sorted out, but for now, I could be happy with my boyfriend.

I didn't want to move or wake Colby up just yet, so I kind of just laid there in his arms and let the butterflies in my stomach flutter. Neither of us was dressed, but that didn't matter. We were at my apartment, which meant that we had privacy we just couldn't get back at the house.

I thought and thought while lying there about everything; about what I wanted for the future; about what I had; about what I'd been through. Colby and I had been through a fair bit ever since we'd met, and I'd been through even more before that—so had he, what with the change he went through with Sam. The difference between the two of us alternated. He went through something permanent, but he had someone, whilst I went through something that wasn't permanent, but I didn't have anyone. In some weird way, it was like our stories were quite similar, not to mention Julian being in both.

But the main thing on my mind was the future, because I was a human and he was a vampire. The gene I had clearly didn't stop my ageing, so I was supposed to grow old. I didn't like feeling weak or fragile or vulnerable. Being human did that to me, and I had decided before I became so incredibly in love with Colby, that I didn't want to be a human for much longer. I didn't want—or need—to grow up anymore. I wanted to be strong and powerful and fast, just like he was. I wanted to be a vampire, with him and with everyone else.

But it wasn't just about him; I wasn't Katrina, linking everything about my life back to my boyfriend. I didn't think I was meant to be human. Even if I had a kind of gene that protected me; that helped me remain human for longer than someone unprotected, I didn't feel like I was meant to be this. I was meant to be a vampire, and being Colby's One just confirmed that for me.

Colby had never liked how I brushed everything off so I had no doubt he would hate the thought of me becoming a vampire alongside him. He used to hate when I didn't care about his crimes; that he'd killed people. Why would he, therefore, like the thought of changing me into what he was, and risking me killing someone myself? He'd hate it. He'd hate it all.

But I was stubborn, and I was persuasive. If there was anything I was good at—besides being a badass—it was persuading Colby to do things my way.

Still, I'd have to put all hands on deck with this one.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now