94 - Rebecca

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"Let's go before I bend over this desk and make it impossible for you to resist me," I growled as I removed Colby's arm and stood up.

He looked a little disarmed. "That might... actually work." I raised a brow, turning around. Before I could even begin, he grabbed my wrists and forced them around my back, tugging my body entirely against his. He whispered close to my ear. "Don't push it."

I smirked and bit my lip, using where my hands were being held to grab a belt loop and hold him against me. He hesitated, torn between his resolve and me. He chose his resolve when he reluctantly let go and took a big step back. I let him, finding my coffee as if his for-once-almost-perfect-self-control wasn't any more infuriating than usual. In a way, it wasn't, because it was always this infuriating.

Colby kissed my cheek then stole my other hand, lacing our fingers together as he pulled me toward the door. I didn't bring much with me, so I didn't have to grab anything before we were through the door into the hallway. It was completely empty as Colby locked my office for me. We walked out of the now-empty building to my car—I wasn't sure when the others had left but I didn't blame them for not coming down to tell me. Colby locked up the front door of the studio this time.

We made it to my car a few minutes later, my whole body tingling with anticipation. Colby's house always had the same effect on me now: pure excitement. Nothing I'd admit, but going to Colby's house meant that I would be sleeping in his bed, which was a much more pleasant experience than sleeping in mine, and it smelt so clearly of him that it was difficult to resist going to his house every day instead of mine sometimes.

He held the door for me and I climbed in, coffee still in hand. Knowing he could hear me, I spoke. "If your crazy-ass driving"—he climbed into the driver's seat—"makes me spill my coffee over my car, you won't have balls for much longer."

He smirked to himself, starting the engine. "I'm not sure I'd let you close enough for that."

I scowled. "That's become fucking clear."

"Hey, at least I haven't killed you. Huge win in my book." I rolled my eyes as he pulled off the parking lot. Yes, what a great thing it was that my boyfriend hadn't killed me. How perfectly normal an achievement in a relationship.

We stayed in silence for the rest of the journey, enjoying the simplicity of one another's company. It often went like this, though sometimes I was exploding on him because Jax was a moron or something similar had pissed me off.

By the time we pulled up on Colby's driveway, I was feeling a mixture of good and bad. It was a pleasant break from just good; to have a little annoyance in me. I didn't like being really happy.

Colby moved in a blur to my door, holding it open for me and helping me out. I left my coffee cup in my car since it didn't matter if I threw it away now or later. My fingers laced between Colby's as he slammed shut my door and started to move toward the front door. My boots were positively loud, as always.

Just as we opened the door, a familiar voice exclaimed through the house. "I know what that stomping sound means!" Tara yelled. She appeared in the hall ahead of me, smirking. "Hey, bitch."

"Tara," I replied with a sigh.

"Don't act like you aren't glad to see me!" She exclaimed, zipping across the room. She grabbed my free hand and dragged me away from Colby, who didn't put up much of a fight.

"Traitor," I muttered as Tara led me in a half-run through the house. A breeze flew passed me, the door we were headed to barely opening and closing in my vision. "Show off," I added under my breath.

Tara distracted me very quickly. "So," she said, "the next time we have a job, I am not letting you stay at your apartment again." She rolled her eyes, opening the door to the red room. I quickly tore my hand away from her knowing she'd try to take me to the couch. "This place is... secure, so you can stay here instead." She finished. I glanced at Colby for confirmation and he shrugged. "Hey, trust me." Tara snapped.

I glared at her. "Don't drag me around and maybe I fucking will."

She gasped. "You're capable of trusting people?"

"Low blow, Tara," I murmured. This was all a joke to her, and sometimes I didn't appreciate those jokes at all. She sobered up and smiled apologetically at me, but I didn't accept it. I ignored her, walking over to Colby. Usually, he didn't let me sit completely on his lap when I was wearing a skirt, but he was already lying across his chair so I didn't give him the chance to move.

My skirt rose significantly on the side, a gentle chill settling over my skin. It was actually quite pleasant, but Colby bent his knees to give me something to lean on and inconspicuously wrapped his one arm around that part of my hip. As if any of his friends would be stupid enough to look at this point.

I pulled all of my hair onto the shoulder facing them all to hide myself—my hair was big enough to hide my entire torso—and leaned forward. The movement definitely put more of my lower half on show, but I didn't care. And I made Colby not care because I kissed the one spot on his jaw I knew he loved. It was like that spot beneath my ear where there was always a hickey.

He quickly found my lips. Hidden from the others behind a wall of thick, curly hair, it didn't really matter what we did, as long as we stayed clothed. Colby would make sure of that even if I didn't.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now