136 - Rebecca

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I didn't want to say that life was normal, but life was kind of normal. I went to the studio every day with Katrina, Sam sometimes taking us in the car unless I said we'd only be out during the daytime. I'd lied on two occasions and both times, Colby had picked me up and taken me to my apartment, where we'd argued. Badly. The kind of arguing that reminded me why it was so difficult to get to the point we were at now.

We struggled to sleep those nights because he didn't stick around to sleep with me.

Despite that, our relationship was going okay. We said 'I love you' nearly every single day and spent plenty of time staring at each other. Sometimes I forgot to eavesdrop on the others because I was so lost staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

It'd been two weeks since everyone had been kidnapped. We hadn't heard anything from Jax or Blair or any of our outstanding threats, really, putting us in an uneasy state most of the time. I was among those who wasn't worried because I had lots going on in my own life. For example an interview.

I'd had five interviews with various fashionistas and only connected with one of them, who was a tough woman like myself. We had a second interview, leading to an offer being put on the table. I could pair up with this designer to get my clothes made and sold in stores—literally sold, like, as if I was a normal designer—and in the meantime, we would work on finding the right model for the advertisements. We'd gone through a few people but no one felt right.

Eventually, my new coworker, Linda, decided that she would flip the script. I'd designed the clothes to suit my own clothing style and I pulled them off the best because I made them: I would be the model. It had taken her a whole three days to convince me of this ridiculous idea because I wasn't a model. She was adamant I'd be perfect. With my mother's help and some skilful negotiation techniques, I was just as on board as anyone else.

Today was my first shoot. I'd managed to rearrange it to the evening, like I'd rearranged the interviews, so that it was mostly at nighttime. Colby was taking me to the shoots and protecting me, then we were going to get something to eat. By we, I mean me, of course. He'd given up on the food act long before I even discovered what he was.

Dressed in one of the designs, I stood in Colby's bathroom staring at myself in the mirror. I didn't know what it was about the prospect of modelling my own clothes, but it had me genuinely nervous for the first time in forever. I was beginning to think I was changing and I didn't like it all that much. I constantly had to remind myself that I was supposed to be swearing and snapping and glaring.

Colby was downstairs doing whatever Colby did when I wasn't around, leaving me to get on with whatever I did while he wasn't around. Apparently, that was staring at myself in the mirror. I gathered myself together and forced myself to leave. So what I would be posing in front of a camera? That was nothing for me and my confidence...

Nothing at all...

My boots clumped with every step I took, reminding me that I was moving. I had just a backpack on my shoulder, my phone in my hand with my keys. I didn't need the keys but it didn't hurt to have them anyway. Who knows? Maybe Colby would randomly ditch me or something.

When I left his bedroom, I began to hear voices down the stairs. One was the authoritative voice of my boyfriend whilst the other had the concerned tone of Sam. Despite knowing I was on my way, they continued their conversation loud enough that I could hear from the stairs.

"Are you sure, brother?" Sam asked. "You don't want at least... I don't know, Jake to come with you? Or me? Or Mike—Mike's got muscle but not too much."

"Sam, I'm stronger than all of you," Colby replied arrogantly, even if it was the truth. I'd reached halfway by now and could see them standing in front of each other in the hallway.

"Dude, I'm just worried. Julian's out there somewhere thirsting for your blood, Blair's out there thirsting for Rebecca's... going out alone even together doesn't feel right to me."

Colby rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Sam."

"Brother, you know we all have to be careful more than anyone. There's not one damn person in that room who wouldn't come after you if you were taken. At least respect that and try to keep yourself safe."

"Just leave me be, Sam. I really don't—" I was at the bottom of the stairs now and Colby had glanced at me only to do a double-take, "uh..." His voice trailed. Sam glanced at me then at Colby's face, which portrayed more emotion than it usually did. His lips were parted, his eyes locked on me. I noticed Sam start to grin in the corner of my eye.

I raised a brow at him. "You really don't, what?" I urged. He blinked and shook his head, darting to my side. He startled me but not enough to react in any way. I was still watching him even as he motioned his head at Sam to leave. Sam didn't, for a second, but then he was gone.

I didn't mention what I'd overheard. Sam was concerned for Colby, which was a start, and Colby was ignorant to it, which was quite typical. I knew Colby cared about Sam more than anyone else in the group—maybe anyone else in the world—so I wasn't sure why he seemed to despise his care so much, besides the fact that it was Colby and he only showed affection in any way towards me.

In a lot of ways.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now