79 - Rebecca

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"Finally!" Tara shrieked when I heard the backdoor opening. My head twisted back to see Cassie, Xepher and Devyn coming outside in bikinis and an assortment of hairstyles: Devyn had all of hers pulled up; Cassie had hers straight and down; Xepher had complicated braids. Each of their outfits matched it too as Devyn and Cassie had quite simple bikinis whilst Xepher's had strings and cutouts and lots going on... maybe that was just Xepher.

Xepher grinned when she looked at Tara. "We were charging our boyfriends up to be able to handle us in bikinis."

"Good luck with Jake, Tara." Cassie added as she walked to sit on the arm of the couch. Tara quickly sat up—in a blur, her silver ring extending to the corners of the white. Devyn glanced at me but she saw no fear: I was used to the silver ring now.

Xepher and Devyn reluctantly sat in the space next to her, eyeing Katrina and I. When I looked at Katrina, she pointed at the sky. "Still too sunny." She said, doubly confirming a part of my theory. I didn't let it show as I just nodded and settled back into lying down. Katrina twisted to see the other girls. "Who's up?"

"Everyone." Xepher replied, smirking. "I heard Colby get up and move. He's never growled so loudly before."

I smirked. "Shame he can't come outside."

"Yes, it is. Except he's the... strongest and can last the longest." Devyn surprisingly pointed out.

I looked back at her with a raised brow. "Are we still talking about going outside?" We all laughed, though I was more snickering to myself because of them.

"It shouldn't be long before we can come out there and get in the water." Cassie said through a sigh. "I've missed days like these."

"Same, but I don't regret it." Tara agreed. Xepher nodded too, Devyn smiling shyly. Katrina and I exchanged a look. I thought we passed the same message to one another: would we miss it, if we became like the boys? Would we regret it?

We turned back to the dying sun at the same time. "How long, do you think?" Katrina asked.

"How long is what?" Tara asked too fast. I smiled to myself and Katrina snickered.

"Until you can come out here, you div. Stop making everything sexual."

"But that's no fun." Tara whined as she started to stand up. She walked just to the edge of the shelter and stuck her hand out, staring up at the sky. She shivered. "About ten minutes." She guessed.

"Sam and Colby could come out if they wanted to." Katrina said. Tara tilted her head back towards the backdoor, listening to something. She bit the inside of her cheek before turning back to us.

"Sam and Corey are talking and the rest of the boys are hanging out in the red room." She started, listening harder. "Sam says he's gonna wait until they can all come out."

"So ten minutes." I muttered. "Great."

"Colby's still in his room. I don't know how long he's gonna take. You're safe for now, Becky." Devyn told me as she walked to the edge of the shelter with Tara. She stuck her hand out, tilting her head to the side. "I might be able to come out."

"Don't risk it." Katrina said hurriedly, whirling around on the sunbed.

Devyn took a step back further under the shade. "I won't." She promised. Katrina relaxed and twisted back around. I still didn't move from my comfortable position with my arms above my head.

"So, what was this I heard about weird attractive things?" Xepher asked, stretching out her long legs so only her foot was touched by the sun.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Katrina questioned.

"It's not a weird thing," Devyn said, "but confidence. I'm pretty sure every boy is hot for a girl who's confident."

"That's true. That counts for all of us, then." Katrina smiled warmly at me, but I turned away before I could feel the pleasure that came with it.

Devyn looked like she wanted to blush even though her cheeks didn't turn pink; something about the way she smiled and looked down like I had whenever I blushed around Colby. I wouldn't exactly call her confident, but she did have a vibe that her shyness came only from strangers, and had nothing to do with her self image.

Cassie looked around the group with a sigh. "What else is there?" She questioned.

"Any colour but blonde." Tara snorted, motioning to each of our heads. "At least in this group." It was true: none of us had blonde hair. The closest was Katrina, who had blonde highlights within the brown lowlights of her hair. I thought a few of them might look good blonde, but I liked the dark too much to even suggest it. Besides, I didn't care.

"Let's stop talking and get in the water." Katrina whined suddenly, throwing her phone down to the ground. She stood up and looked at me hopefully, her hand extended. I glanced at the setting sun and then the other girls under the shelter. They clearly couldn't come out yet. "Just us for a few minutes." She added.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I let her pull me to my feet. The look on her face was so happy it was almost comical, but she quickly covered it up, pulling me towards the edge of the pool. She nodded for me to go first so I dived into the water. It was a surprisingly good dive, considering I had only swam in a pool a few times in my whole life.

There was a splash just next to me and a moment later, Katrina was under the water with me. We looked at each other under the surface, a sort of bonding look that was extremely powerful. She sent a wave of water my way with a kick of her foot then started back for the surface.

By the time I came up for air, the backdoor was opening...

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now