123 - Colby

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The door started opening and I knew I had to let go of Rebecca. I didn't want to. I would have done anything to be able to stay there like that with her, but I knew that if I wanted to hold her later, I had to let go of her now. So, reluctantly, I brought my hands behind my back as if I was still chained up and Rebecca moved to the space next to me. I noticed her looking at Katrina, who was laying "half-dead" on the couch staring back at her. There was a bond forming between and I wasn't the only one who'd noticed.

Footsteps moved down the stairs at a human pace, though there was no heartbeat attached to the body. Rebecca looked up with the rest of us to see the girl who had managed to get us under her control—taken us to Rebecca's studio, no less. It was a wonder that, in all the times I came here, I had never smelt the vervaine in the room below ground.

This bitch had been working completely under our noses and until now, I had no idea of her existence. Well, not exactly. I didn't know who she was but I knew her name, because Rebecca had mentioned her before. This wasn't some random vampire who had it out for Rebecca's sweet, unique blood: this was a personal matter.

Rebecca was a terrible boss and now she was paying for it.

"Blair." It wasn't a question, just a statement. Rebecca's voice was filled with malice and hatred, a glare in her eyes as she watched her former employee descend the stairs smugly. They said no words for a few moments, just glaring at each other.

When Blair reached the bottom of the stairs with James, she started to survey the room instead. I felt a little nervous about the others since they tended to be quite trigger happy and could reveal our little secret, but she rotated back to us as if nothing was wrong. I shouldn't have doubted everyone.

James darted to the couch where Katrina was still lying down and he pulled her up to her feet, dragging her next to Rebecca. Her head hit the wall with a thump and she gasped softly, controlling her automatic response. I noticed the two girls link hands inconspicuously.

"Rebecca. Ms Woods. The bitch," Blair started saying as she stared down at my girlfriend. "You know, none of us liked you. You came in, what, once a month? And all you did was look at what we did for a living and insult it and get angry and start verbally abusing us. You almost physically abused us too." Blair scoffed. "No, you did."

The room was dead silent.

"Jax told us he got in a fight, but that's not like Jax at all; he doesn't just fight with people, Rebecca. You punched him because you guys had a fight that you started. He told me the truth after about a week, and I wanted to kill you for it. You're our boss but that doesn't mean you have the right to hit us."

Rebecca wasn't having any of this. "I'm a bitch, doesn't give you the right to fucking kidnap me," she growled as she started to get up. It took everything in me not to reach out and stop her. Thankfully, Katrina stopped her for me.

"No, perhaps it doesn't. Maybe I should have gone to the cops about it instead? But then I figured, if I'm going to get you back, I'm going to do it my way." Blair stood up and walked next to James, dragging him into a kiss. I automatically cringed and looked away, Rebecca following suit next to me. After a few seconds, Blair turned back to us. "I met this handsome young man and he offered me a new life where I could be better than you, and stronger. And I knew I could take you down, so I took that chance in a heartbeat. Your sister was a pawn that was all too easy to put in place."

Rebecca didn't allow Katrina to stop her this time as she leapt up to her feet and moved right into Blair's face. The two girls would have been the same height had Rebecca not been wearing heels, but because she was, she dominated the square-up. She looked like she should be vamping out.

Blair looked up at Rebecca in amusement, a smile playing on her lips as she tilted her head to the side. "And after all this, you're still being violent," she mused before the two girls moved in a blur. Blair slammed Rebecca to the wall by her throat and held her there for a second in silence. When she spoke, she snarled at the same time. "I wanted to bite you so you'd learn your lesson, but I've learnt that you quite like that." She closed her fingers tighter around Rebecca's neck and started to lift her from the ground. Rebecca's body started reacting, grasping at Blair's wrist and hand. "So, I changed my punishment for you. James, will you explain what we have planned?"

"Of course," James replied smirking. He turned to Katrina. "We start with the human, then we pick off every single one of these until we get to Colby. He can suffer the longest since you care about him the most."

"And you can know the whole time that you are the one to put them in this position," Blair finished, dropping Rebecca onto the floor. My leg naturally shifted to get up but I controlled myself. James glanced at me, however, he was still too focused on Katrina to realise what I had planned.

I could see Rebecca gasping for air in the corner of my eye, yet I forced myself to keep my eyes away from her: if I looked, I would try to help and that wouldn't go along with the little plan I had prepared. It started with a dead James for touching my girl and ended with a dead Blair for this whole ordeal. Oh, and a dead anyone else who got in my way, of course.

My fingers flexed as James began to move towards Katrina. I heard Sam growl and I looked at him for half a second. He cut the sound short—we'd worked together long enough to know when he was ruining one of my plans.

I was charged up on blood—Rebecca's blood, no less—so I knew exactly who I could take down with ease and who I couldn't. James and Blair were no problem. The only thing was making sure that Rebecca didn't get hurt in the crossfire, which would destroy me. I'd only just discovered the biggest, most important revelation I would ever have, so I didn't need to ruin that by losing her.

With my calculated plan, I shifted to set into motion.

If all went well, Blair and James would be no more.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now