153 - Rebecca

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The first order of business, I knew had to be Colby. We had to rip the bandaid off, so telling my parents that I had a vampire boyfriend had to be first. Then I could tell them that I also now had a lot of vampire friends who were a part of my vampire boyfriend's clan, which he was the leader of. And, on top of that, we could introduce Aryia as Angela's boyfriend.

Holding tightly onto Colby's hand, I dragged him up to the front door. My anxiety was, yet again, through the roof. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why were we doing this again?

Before I could open the door, Colby took a few steps back. It put him in the shade, which hid the silver of his eyes surprisingly well.

Introduce that I just have a boyfriend first. Good idea. He gave me a soft smile, his features switching from the hot, powerful vampire I'd seen earlier to the sweet, soft boy I loved. That look on his face was why I lived now.

"He's complimenting the house," Colby said quietly, the smile still on his face.

I scoffed. "He'll be trying to burn it down in a minute." I heard laughs in the living room and, for the first time since we'd got into this situation, I felt relieved; I felt normal.

Then the door was knocked, shattering the happy-ish atmosphere. I took a long, deep breath before I even dared to take a step closer to the door. What was on the other side was a man and a woman who would not react well at all to what I had to tell them. We might not ever get to the thing we wanted them here for, which was telling me why the hell I was able to react to a vampire in normal speed—and kick his ass.

As soon as the door opened, the gentle smile on my dad's face slowly faded. His eyes locked on Colby behind me immediately, and it was like everything changed for a second time. "Oh no," he said, slowly looking at me, "it's time, isn't it?"

I slowly smiled, to which he sighed. He stepped in and gave me a short hug before standing to the side and staring at Colby. He was still in enough shade to hide his eyes, so Dad couldn't tell what he was yet. Meanwhile, I looked back at Mom.

"I certainly didn't expect this, Becca," she said happily as she forced me into a tight hug. The image of her earlier tonight flashed in my head, but I fought it away. Now wasn't the time for that, though I'd love to dig into her about it in front of everyone.

"Well, there is a reason behind it," I murmured as I pulled back.

"Yes, it's been long enough! You told me about him... god, it feels like ages ago now!" I started to blush. Oh. Oh fuck. I completely forgot about that. Noticing the look on my face, Mom smiled. "I was supposed to keep that quiet, wasn't I?"

"It doesn't matter," I replied quickly. I turned back to Dad, who was still just staring at Colby. My heart was pounding in my chest, my hands starting to shake. The time was coming for them to discover just what I'd been up to in the past couple of months. And neither of them were going to be happy about it.

Once I'd shut the front door, I walked closer to Colby, but not into the shade. He glanced at me knowingly and I nodded, to which he bit his lip. He was just as nervous as me; it said so all over his face.

"So, boy, who are..." Dad trailed off when Colby stepped forward, revealing the true colouring of his eyes to both of my parents. Mom completely froze on the spot as she stared at him, her mouth open, whilst Dad's face started to turn red. I saw the fire in his eyes almost immediately. He skipped the shocked step. "Becca, do you know what he is?" He snarled at me without looking away from Colby. "Do you know what disgusting creature he is?"

"I do," I replied faintly. Dad's eyes snapped to me. I saw more than just anger in them; I saw betrayal; I saw heartbreak. And it made mine break just the same. "Dad—"

"I thought you weren't a fangbanger, Rebecca. I thought you were the only damn good one left in our family. How fucking dare you do this to me, after everything you and I have had to put up with over the years."

I was sure my heart was pounding faster than ever before, and Colby had noticed. He went to take my hand, but Dad snapped. "Don't you dare touch her, you leech," he growled, stepping toward Colby with a murderous look on his face. He held his hands up and took a step away from me, even though we both knew that I needed him.

When Dad was happy with the distance, he turned back to me. "Care to explain yourself, Rebecca? You better have a damn good explanation for this." I was speechless. What was my explanation? That I met him, we had an explosive but desiring relationship, we broke up once, and now we can't stay away from each other? Could I tell him all of that? Would that even change his mind on Colby? Nothing would change his mind on Colby, what was I saying?

Before I could muster up something to blurt out, Colby took the lead for me.

"She's my One."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now