72 - Colby

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          Though I knew Rebecca wasn't asleep, I could feel that she was so close that a little abnormality would be passable as normal. I didn't lift my gaze from her — a big part of me afraid of what I would find on the faces of the guys — as I moved one of my arms beneath her legs instead. She didn't stir or move, letting me do whatever I wanted with her. Trust that was so misplaced it hurt.

I darted from the red room too fast for anyone to really see anything more than a blur. I was kicking my bedroom door shut before long, walking now at a slower pace. I paused between the couch and my bed. There was no way she was going to wear that skirt to sleep in, but I didn't think she was awake enough to change.

It was as if she had heard that thought because she finally moved, her head lifting up from my chest as her eyes flickered open. I carefully placed her upright on the couch, cautious that she had seen too much in my run upstairs. She didn't look disturbed or worried or confused, though. Just tired.

I wished I had paid more attention to the jobs now, because even after I'd just gotten her back, I couldn't even lie in bed with her and sleep peacefully for the first time in days. I would suffer through the sun if it meant I could sleep with her for a couple hours more.

"I have a job tonight," I told her, a part of me worried that she might explode at me. But she didn't, staring at me for a second then sighing. She pulled me down next to her by my wrist and kissed me for barely a second before turning to get up. I didn't let her, needing more than just that little kiss.

I felt her smiling against my lips as she shuffled a little closer to me over the couch. I was hungry for her, knowing my bed was right next to us, in easy access for whatever I wanted. But I had a job to do and no one to cover me — since they were all coming with once more.

Reluctantly, I pulled back and took Rebecca's face in one of my hands. My palm was over her cheek and jaw, holding her intimately. She made it better by closing her eyes as she turned her face more into my touch. She breathed in long and hard. Her lips were twisted up at the corner in a way I didn't expect. And when she looked at me, I saw a kind of unconditional fondness — at the very least — shining through the soft brown.

She spoke in a low, even voice no different to any other time, except that it was a little softer. "How long are you going to be gone for?" she asked.

"A couple of hours... at most."

She bit her lip in thought, glancing at the hand on her face. "Okay," she said finally, standing up.

I watched her as she walked to my bathroom, picking up her backpack on the way. It only took her a short while to return wearing one of my shirts — one I'd left at her place. She was confidently and fearlessly walking around in it, like it was her own. I saw her look at me expectantly, standing next to my bed. I didn't know exactly what she wanted, but I walked up to her and hoped I could give it to her.

Turned out, she wanted a kiss. And a hungry one, at that. Her trip to the bathroom had woken her up. She made fists in my shirt with one hand and tugged me to her by my jean belt loops with the other. I felt my need for her increasing ten fold, my hands grabbing at her hips. I accidentally pulled up her shirt as I did and I didn't bother to let it drop down again.

Rebecca opened her mouth for me and I responded without hesitating. The kiss got hungrier from there, one of my hands circling to her ass while the other tangled in her hair at the back of her head — there was a lot of it to grab and tug. Whenever I tugged, she let out a gasp into my mouth. The third time ended my mental frustration.

I grabbed under her knees and essentially tripped her. She landed on her back on my obnoxiously large bed and, without missing a beat, she shuffled back for me. I moved instantly over the top of her, trailing a hand down her thigh towards her hips as I slid between her legs. I didn't even go near her lips this time, finding out that spot beneath her ear.

Just like she did earlier, she openly moaned. Her hand came to the back of my head to hold me in place while her other started on the buttons of my shirt. I was getting deja vu in a way, because I knew we wouldn't get very far before duty called and I had to go. But for now, I just wanted this. Needed this.

Rebecca eventually got my shirt open and off of me so fast I thought she might have switched species. She flung herself at my one shoulder so hard that my body let her flip us. She liked to take control sometimes, and I couldn't say that I was entirely against it. I kind of liked it.

She started kissing at my jaw and my neck. I could feel the monster inside of me trying to escape. My 'excitement' had caused him to start thrashing in my head to escape; to take her in his way rather than mine. But I couldn't let that happen. Not to her.

Rebecca had trailed down my chest to my jeans by now. She looked up at me with the most innocent eyes, which drove me mad for her. I wanted, so badly, to stay up here and continue this, as we were right where we had left off in her office, but I could hear Sam running from his room after taking Katrina there — he'd had much less trouble controlling his urges seeing her in just a t-shirt.

Almost as if Rebecca knew the look on my face, she came quickly back up to my lips. She was straddling me, holding me down by my shoulders. Her body felt weightless, yet the warmth reminded me of just how there she was. The bare skin of her inner thighs was sitting on my bare stomach, skin to skin contact driving me mad as well. Everything about her drove me mad.

She took her time with these kisses, and I let her keep at that pace.

When I heard Sam downstairs, I wanted to growl at him. "Colby, come on. We gotta go."

I casually pulled back from Rebecca, distracting her by flipping us again as I said, too low for her to hear, "Fuck off." Then I kissed her on that good spot again and she gasped, her arms coming around me possessively. She didn't want me to go. I wondered how she knew I would have to.

"Don't make us come up there, Colby. We will!" Jake called up to me, a little too loud considering Rebecca wasn't deaf.

She bit at her lip as she gently pushed me away, smiling with the emotion that I felt: the dread of being separated. But she was trying to be strong about it, kissing me again and reaching over for my shirt. I reluctantly put it back on as she slid under my covers. She looked worn out.

"Colby," Tara said, whining downstairs. I rolled my eyes and used my speed to button up the rest of my shirt.

Rebecca was facing away, her eyes closed so it didn't even matter if I zipped out of the room right now. But I didn't.

I walked around to face her. She didn't open her eyes, just tilted her head towards me. I gave her a short goodbye kiss and exhaled heavily as I stood up. I brushed my fingers through her hair once, unable to help myself. Just as I was about to stand up to go, her hand reached out and touched my wrist.

She was looking at me now. She wasn't afraid, just curious. Her voice was soft and sleepy when she spoke the most unexpected question. "You're not human, are you?"

It was actually a statement. A very, very true statement that I couldn't believe my ears for hearing.

I stared at her silently, stunned into speechlessness. Downstairs was dead silent, too.

A triumphant smile slowly crept up on Rebecca's face. "I didn't think so," she muttered and rolled over to face away. She sighed, "Don't kill anyone unless they deserve it."

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now