53 - Rebecca

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          It didn't take very long for Katrina and Tara to come out of my room dressed similarly but drastically different at the same time

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          It didn't take very long for Katrina and Tara to come out of my room dressed similarly but drastically different at the same time. Like night and day. Tara was all dark colours from the deep shade of red of her dress and the matching eyeshadow with intense eyeliner and dark red lips; Katrina wore pale blue with a silver eyeshadow similar to mine, though much more glittery. Her lips were covered in a pink gloss, which did and didn't fit at exactly the same time. Both wore heels, Tara's shoes making her probably six inches taller, which — without my own heels — almost made her taller than me.

Tara's eyes grazed over my laptop, the design clear on the screen, and she looked slightly surprised. I quickly slammed shut the lid and got up, refusing to acknowledge that she had seen my work and been impressed by it.

"Ogle later. We have to go," I snapped at her.

She grinned. "Of course we do." The grin disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She cocked her head to the side and chewed on her bottom lip, staring at me. "Do you trust me?" she asked, which seemed completely out of place.


"Do you trust me?" she repeated.

"No," I said, but she knew that I was lying so that I didn't have to admit I trusted or liked her in any way.

She smiled again, taking Katrina's hand and running forward to grab mine. I didn't fight her. "Good. Here's the thing: alcohol doesn't really effect me. Well, it does, but my reactions stay pinpoint accurate."

"That's what irresponsible drunks say. I'm not letting you fucking kill us all," I snapped.

"I won't kill you. You'll see for yourself. I'm driving us to and from the club." She glanced a the couch behind me. "How do you feel about us staying over? Just me and Katrina?"

"No," I said.

"Great! Let's go."

I wanted to punch her as she dragged me and Katrina towards the front door. For a girls' night that was supposed to distract me, she was just making me angry. And angry thoughts brought about the image of who was on that couch behind me breaking up with me — sort of; we were acknowledging our problems. Didn't make me feel any better about it.

Tara's car wasn't what I expected it to be. It was a pink convertible that was so unbelievably obnoxious that I hated the thought of being seen anywhere near it, let alone in it. I was starting to resist Tara's weirdly strong hands as she continued to drag me.

"I am not getting in that shit," I said as I tried to stop walking. Tara was just too strong.

"Yes, you are. This was your idea," she replied sharply.

I gave Katrina an annoyed look but she was all too eager to get into the car.

There was no way I was surviving the night without releasing some of my anger now. Something had to be done about it, and I didn't know whether I was really about to find a guy to fuck and ditch or not. It seemed like a terrible idea and tugged at my heart strings, which only made me more frustrated at myself.

Music was on the second I had climbed into the back of the car. I had the whole section to myself, Katrina squeezing into the passenger seat next to Tara. I wanted to throw up as I looked around at the pink. Who was she, Trisha Paytas?

As hideous as it was, it rolled over the roads evenly and never jostled us, like some cars I'd been in recently. The convertible side of it reminded me of Angela, though, which I wasn't very happy with. I still hadn't decided what to do with my sister — whether helping her in some way was smart or not. I doubted that it was: she had clearly gotten herself into this mess and she had to get herself out. But she was still my sister and if she had something happen to her, I was sure I would suffer at least a little bit... right?

The club Tara had brought us to was packed. It was a sign that Tara really did know the best clubs, because it was going to be impossible to get into one. She drove quickly around the building, almost running over a group at the end of the line. We would soon be behind them, waiting fruitlessly to get in.

Surprisingly, there was a parking lot behind the club. It seemed unsafe to allow people to drive here, but I guessed they also couldn't just not have a parking lot. The first car I spotted on the parking lot was a fancy silver car, slick and expensive-looking. It had nothing to do with us, but I felt myself staring at it for a second. Then I saw a big truck-type car with an extravagant-looking woman and a timid-looking woman in the front seats. I saw pink hair in the back. Xepher, Devyn, and Cassie: the rest of our group for tonight.

Tara pulled in next to them and climbed out of the car as they did. I hopped over the side, too impatient to wait for Katrina to move her ass. When my heels hit the floor, I was thrown slightly off balance by my new height. I wore heels constantly, yet these felt so much different because they weren't boots.

"Hey, Becky!" Xepher exclaimed when she saw me. Her eyes moved up and down my outfit in the dark, as if she could see it perfectly, and she grinned. "Looking good."

"Is there ever an exception?" I challenged.

All of the girls giggled besides Cassie, who was happily staring at me. "I missed you and you haven't even been gone long." She pulled me into a hug that I instantly tried to escape from, but she was of course much too strong.

I frowned as I glanced at Tara now, wondering why the hell they were strong.

Devyn drew my attention away when she carefully wrapped her hand around mine — a move I certainly didn't expect. She smiled at me in that way Katrina smiled: unconditionally accepting. I hated it.

"You're going to enjoy a girls night with us," she told me, though I doubted it.

"And we're gonna get DRunK! So it'll be fun even if you hate us." Tara wrapped her arm around my neck. She started to steer me towards the club now, still grinning. The other girls followed. They laughed softly when I forced myself out of everyone's grip, muttering 'bitch' under my breath at Tara. She had taken it well — as a joke, like always.

The line of the club hadn't gotten any shorter. In fact, it was longer. But I didn't even get a chance to head to the back of it because the other girls were breezing passed like they owned the damn street. I followed behind, unsure of what the hell we were doing. At the front of the line, there was a bouncer with his hands clasped in front of him, and another man with a clipboard asking for names.

Tara got to him first, holding Katrina closely next to her. I was just close enough to hear their exchange.

"Hey," she snapped. "Eyes up here."

The man, who'd been staring at his clipboard in response to the first person in line, looked up at Tara, and his face paled. I noticed the bouncer behind him had brown eyes with a silver ring around them, and he stiffened at the sight of us, though he was eyeing me just as curiously as I was eyeing him.

"Gonna give us issues?" Tara snapped, nodding down to the rope.

The man stuttered as he shook his head and moved out of the way. He pulled the rope open for us. Tara grinned, walking inside. She looked more confident than I'd ever seen her.

I could have sworn that Cassie growled at the man on her way passed; I wouldn't be surprised if she had, growling was a good way to intimidate someone. Second to last — Xepher was behind me — I slid through the gap in the rope and followed through the front door.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now