134 - Rebecca

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As far as I was aware, Angela had gone to sleep in Aryia's bed last night. Admittedly, once we went back to the red room, I got completely distracted by Colby and left Angela to do her own thing—and forgot about my plan. She seemed to get along with everyone anyway, so she didn't need me hovering around her and pushing her to speak to them or making her feel less lonely.

Colby had been pretty cool about the whole thing considering he was still far from trusting her. He hadn't mentioned it since we were at the house and anyone could hear us, but I didn't think he would even if we were alone. It seemed like there was a chance for things to get normal around here if normal even existed within our group.

Today was the day I needed to speak to Mom, but I couldn't do it while I was at the house. I also knew that leaving the house alone right now was a really stupid idea and since it was daytime, there were only two people I could leave with: Angela and Katrina. Out of the two of them, obviously, I was going to take Katrina. I was pretty sure Angela was knocked out somehow anyway.

When I got downstairs, I instantly smelt food in the kitchen. It was lunchtime. I followed the smell to see a half-dressed Katrina leaning over a plate as she stared at her phone. She didn't hear me coming but she luckily didn't scream when she realised I was there. She jumped.

"Becky, hey," she greeted.

I tried my best to smile at her, but I knew it looked forced. "Hi, Katrina. I need to run an errand today but I know I shouldn't leave the house alone."

"Say no more," Katrina replied, pushing her plate away from her. "But I'm not allowed to leave at all, even with you. I'll have to talk to Sam."

There was so much wrong with what she just said, but I didn't confront her about it. Somehow, Sam was more protective than Colby, and it got to the point where hearing what Katrina could and couldn't do concerned me.

She thudded up the stairs, leaving me alone in the kitchen. I walked to the fridge to find something to snack on, only to notice Angela's favourite food in a tub sitting on the bottom shelf. Since when? Was she awake, or had someone done that for her? How would anyone even know her favourite food so soon?

As I was about to pick it up, a breeze flew past me and I spun around. Sam appeared at the kitchen island picking up Katrina's almost empty plate. He was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, his hair messy and his eyes half-shut. I kicked the fridge door behind me as he looked up. "What's the errand?" He asked.

"I just need to call my mom—I don't want to do it here," I replied.

He hesitated as he cleaned up for Katrina, his eyes never meeting mine. I could see the cog turning in his head; the pros and cons of letting this happen. I didn't know why I was waiting for his permission to begin with—or why Katrina was. I could be at home talking to my mom by now, then on the way back long before sundown.

After a short while, Sam turned back to me. "I'll take you and Kat to your apartment, but you can't leave it until someone else is with you. You haven't invited any vampires in, right?"

"Just Colby and Tara."

"Good." Sam nodded, disappearing. I stood there blankly until he returned with a now-dressed Katrina in his arms. He placed her carefully down on the floor and she smiled at me, rushing over to grab my hand. She started to pull me toward the front door and I didn't fight her, noticing Sam following us at a steady pace. I glanced up at the sky as soon as we reached the outside. Could he come out in that?

He didn't walk past the threshold until Katrina had unlocked the car. A breeze harsher than any other I'd felt flew into the car, then Sam was sitting in the driver seat behind a wall of tinted glass. Katrina and I climbed into the car with him without a word.

The drive was short and easy.

"I'll sleep in here, baby," Sam said to Katrina, making me cringe, "so just call me when you're ready to come home."

"Okay, Sammy." They kissed before Katrina jumped out of the car. I eagerly followed, desperate to remove myself from the tension in the vehicle. Once the door was shut, I heard the car lock and glanced at Sam to see him lifting his feet to the dashboard then closing his eyes, ready to sleep.

Okay then.

I led Katrina quickly across the parking lot and up to my apartment, which was sat waiting for me completely untouched, thankfully. Katrina went for the couch while I walked to my bedroom, phone in hand. She told me to yell for her if I needed to, though I didn't understand what it was I'd need.

Sitting on my bed, I dialled my mom's number. My heart was gently thudding in my chest, my fingers clenching around my sheets. Was she mad at me? Did it matter if she wasn't?

After a few rings, the phone connected and my mom's sweet, happy voice came through the speakers. I silently sighed in relief. "Becca! Honey, how are you?" She asked.

"Hey, Mom. I'm great. You?"

"Wonderful! Did you enjoy the showcase?" So she didn't even know I'd left. I supposed I couldn't be too upset—it got me off the hook.

"It was great," I lied, "but I didn't get to stay for very long; I had an emergency to get to."

"Oh no. What happened?"

"Um, nothing much. Turns out it was a false alarm anyways." I was a flawless liar.

"As long as everything's alright, darling. Let me know if you want to come to another showcase sometime. Your works got a lot of people interested." I perked up. "I've got a couple of deals on your behalf, if you want to take a look at them."

"Yes, please, that'd be fantastic," I blurted before I could stop myself. I had deals! Offers! I could so easily rise in my career. If only my life was completely normal and I didn't have a vampire boyfriend sleeping peacefully awaiting me to return—a boyfriend I would be a lot like if things went my way.

"I'll tell Lillian to send them over. I'm very proud of you."


"Of course." I could hear Mom smiling through her voice. "Maybe one day you'll be a legend like me."

Fighting back a laugh, I started to imagine that: life as a fashion legend. The fashion industry was completely fucked, and everything from the lowest ranks to the top dogs was corrupt, but the money was amazing and the opportunities were close to endless. I had my own personal protection team, one of which was going out of his way to sleep in a tinted car so I could call my mother in private right now, who could keep me from the dangers of this business. I could do it; I could be a legend like Mom.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to be a legend like Mom.

Bad Taste (Part I)  // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now