video chat with Christy

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It's night time at camp everfree in 10:00 pm.

At Boys side

Flash laying down on the bed with cell phone in his hand to due video chat with his girlfriend and the screen pop to reveal christy inside her bedroom who just laying in the bed too.

Flash: "hey babe."

Christy: "hey flash. How you doing over there with everyone."

Flash: "doing good. I miss you babe."

Christy: "I miss you too flash. When you coming home?"

Bulk: "on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 pm."

Christy: "that's wonderful guys."

Flash: "how our baby doing."

Christy: "it's good."

She show flash to see her stomach little bit bigger to make him smile on his face to see that and camera back to Christy face. "You and me go to hospital to due ultrasound for our baby going to be boy or girl."

Flash: "sound good to me, babe and guess who want to stay camp with us."

Christy: "who?"

Flash: "rainbow quartz dash."

Christy with confused look on her face,"really but why?"

Flash: "because she missed her mothers so bad so decided she stay with us until we leave camp on Sunday."

Christy: "aww that's sweet."

Bulk: "yeah."

Christy heard an huge burp from background outside of camp and asked flash, "what was that noise coming from?"

Flash: "it's was pumbaa."

Christy: "let me guess, they went inside bus storage without been noticed by you guys to go camp for a vacation."

Bulk: "how do you know?"

Christy: "just a hunch."

Flash: "you need stop hanging around with pinkie pie sometimes because you becoming her."

Bulk: "yup she become like pinkie pie right now."

Christy with annoying look on her face and said, "haha very funny guys." Then suddenly pinkie pie stick her head out of the tent with stern look on her face and says, "I heard that guys from other side of girls tent."

Flash: "hehe sorry."

Bulk: "my bad."

[new chapter is out for new years eve]

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