returning home

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At canterlot high school parking lot in the afternoon see Christy pavise, the hooves family, frosty orange, cloudy kicks and noteworthy just waiting for everyone is coming home from camp.

Dinky: "golly, I'm so excited to see sis and sunset back from camp."

Mrs. Hooves: "me too honey. I hope sunset shimmer propose my little muffin at camp soon."

Mr. Hooves: "you said it dear."

They spotted school bus coming the school and turned right to the parking lot and parked in three feet from them and dinky said, "they're home." The both doors open to reveal flash sentry and bulk biceps exit the bus.

Frosty: "hey guys. How was camp doing."

Flash: "it's pretty great..well you see."

Bulk step in for flash answer: "an evil wizard daolon wong team up with the enforcers who transform into dark chi warriors zombies are planning to grab animals with talismans inside. Gloriosa daisy goes crazy to trap us inside the dome with equestrian geodes around her neck to save the camp but sunset shimmer and her friends save the day with their new equestrian powers and transform. Oh rainbow quartz stay with her parents at camp because she miss them so badly."

The hooves family and the others got scared look on their faces about new enemy coming then Derpy exit the bus running towards her family and give her mother a hug.

Mrs. Hooves: "hey honey, we're Miss you at camp."

Derpy: "i know mom but I got surprised for you guys."

She show the ring on her ring finger at her family with shocked and happily gasped and she said, "sunset propose to me at camp and we're in engaged."

Mr. Hooves: "welcome to the family, sunset."

Mrs. Hooves: "I'm so happy for you my little muffin."

Dinky begin to shouted, "I'M GOING TO BE SISTER-IN-LAW!"

that echo through the city to san francisco forest with charlie the Bigfoot and the bears hearing inside the cave bit.

Grizz: "what was that?"

Panda: "beats me grizz?"

Then suddenly they heard a knock on the door to make charlie become scared and hid inside the closet with grizz open the door to see captain black and freakazoid.

Panda: "um you two need something?"

Charlie open the door bit to see captain black and freakazoid who standing outside and he said, "hey captain black." As he exit the closet towards the door to greet them to make the bears become confused.

Grizz: "you know him, charlie?"

Charlie: "know him? I work for him forever before he rescue me from the dark hands."

Trio of bears: "what?"

Charlie: "so who's that guy with you, sir."

Captain black: "this is freakazoid. He help us to find animals with talismans inside."

Freakazoid: "Nice to meet ya, you guys. I hope we work together."

Charlie: "same here mr. Freakazoid."

Unknown person voice: "that's wonderful, freakazoid team up with canterlot high school students and mane 7 to rescue zodiac animals in time."

Trio of bears move their heads to right and left around a bit what the noise coming from.

Panda: "was that noise coming from?"

Ice bear: "ice bear don't know either?"

Freakazoid: "it was my narrator joe leahy. He standing right there at the kitchen."

He pointed his finger at the kitchen to show the bears and charlie the Bigfoot see joe leahy with huge grin on his face.

Grizz: "we didn't see him at the kitchen today."

Panda: "me too."

[New chapter is out for this story today.]

raridash story vol. 3 : the wrath of daolon wongWhere stories live. Discover now