hangout with rainbine

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Rainbow dash at the skate park with ronnie ann and her friends including rainbine too then Both of them sit down on the bench while the others doing some tricks on the ramps.

Rainbow: "so rainbine."

Rainbine: "yes rainbow."

Rainbow: "here's question. There somebody got a crush on you from your alternative reality."

She got sly grin on her face to answer rainbow dash question, "sure do, it's was rarifruit because she very beautiful that turn people into chocolate bars when they look at her funny sometimes." Rainbow dash and Sancho become scared about rainbine crush is crazy and greedy from their world. Then rainbine look at them confused and said, "you two alright?" Both of them snapped out and look at her.

Rainbow: "yeah, we're fine."

Sancho fly away from skate park to hang out with other pigeons on the wire leave rainbow dash alone with rainbine.

Rainbine: "what about you."

Rainbow: "I'm married to my wife, rarity dash. An fashionista, section 13 secret agent, and band member of rainbooms."

Rainbine: "pretty neat rainbow. We know rarity is female ninja superhero name the white ninja of canterlot city this whole time."

Rainbow become shock of scared about element of insanity knew rarity is the white ninja this whole time at canterlot city and hear laugh from rainbine bit and said, "don't worry we won't everyone and your friends about rarity superhero identity. I pinkie promise." She smiled at her don't tell everyone about her wife superhero identity with a pinkie promise.

Rainbow: "due pinkie promise."

Rainbine: "fine. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Rainbow: "perfect."

Rainbine: "hey, wanna do some tricks on skateboard on the ramp."

Rainbow: "let's do it."

They having race towards the ramps with Ronnie and and her friends to due some tricks at the skate park as friends.

Meanwhile at royal woods mall with zach wondering in the mall with his family and stop to see Delphine and her friends who blocked their path that shock them.

Zach: "wow, humanoid aliens."

Delphine: "that's right young man, let me introduce ourselves. I'm Delphine, the leader of alien rangers. This is aurcio, cestro, tideus, and corcus. We're from planet called aquitar."

Zach: "awesome. Oh welcome to earth."

Aurcio: "thanks."

Mr. Gurdle: "what are you all doing here exactly."

"Team up with sunset shimmer and her friends to find zodiac animals of course."

They turn their heads at the right to see painset shimmercakes, asspike, and applepill right next to mall security guard.

Chandler: "what the heck? The girl look like sunset shimmer but different."

Trent: "yeah."

Painset: "that's right kid, we're element of insanity and come from alternative universe."

Trent: "it's pretty neat, I guess."

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