here's come mad hatter

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Rainbow quartz having playdate with carlitos playing stuff animals while rarity, Rosa, and frida at the table just talking in the living room.

Rosa: "your daughter is beautiful like you, honey."

Rarity: "thank mrs. Casagrandes, she's sweet and smart like me and rainbow dash."

Frida: "hey, let's bring our children to the park to get fresh air. What about 3:30 pm, it's okay with you, rarity."

Rarity: "that's a good idea frida."

Rainbow quartz then got idea to make more fun with carlitos so she rise her hand with light blue aura show up to poof out mad hatter show up at the living room.

Mad hatter: "where am I?"

Frida: "did your daughter summon a man appear of nowhere for no reason."

Rarity: "yup, after all she's half pony and half human like me and the girls."

Rosa: "good point."

Sergio: "cool."

Mad hatter grab his hat from his head so grab inside of bottom for a second and pull out kevin the changeling to amaze the babies for entertainment.

Rosa: "not bad sir."

Kevin become panic and scared from the magic by mad hatter "who? What? Where? Why?" He put Kevin the changeling back inside his hat for few seconds and pull out zach with confused look on his face.

Mad hatter: "ta-da."

Zach: "this is great lake city that ronnie ann move in."

Rosa: "that's right sweetie."

Zach: "neat."

Mad hatter lean zach head to the right and put his tea cup right beside the ear who pour out tea to the cup just amaze rosa, rarity,  frida, sergio bit to begin clapping.

Zach: "I didn't know got tea inside of my head before."

Mad hatter caught zach inside of hat on the floor and pulled out snaptrap with two tea pots on his head.

Snaptrap "why I have two tea pots on my head? That's crazy."

He saw rarity at the table with frida and rosa who watching entertainment for mad hatter performance.

Rarity: "hey snaptrap."

Snaptrap: "hey rarity."

He grab one of tea pot from snaptrap head to put out tea in mid-air with a handle on it and that's amaze snaptrap.

Snaptrap: "okay that's amazing."

He drinking tea with mid-airt tea cup whole to hear clapping from the background for his performance.

[New chapter is out for this story]

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