vs calendar man

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In middle of night in great lake city there's silhouette figure walk in front of art space galley entrance the figure is calendar man.

In middle of night in great lake city there's silhouette figure walk in front of art space galley entrance the figure is calendar man

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Calendar man: "it time to steal price painting that woman named Frida casagrande made since 3 days ago."

He was about to enter the museum but to hear a voice of person behind him, "not so fast villain." He turned around in shocked see the white ninja and said, "you're female ninja superhero at canterlot city. The white ninja."

White ninja: "that's right."

Calendar man: "that mean I'm getting beaten up by you."

White ninja: "yup."

Next morning

The dash's entered living room/dining room to see Ronnie Ann, Bobby, Hector, and Maria sitting in the table eating breakfast.

Bobby: "morning guys. Did you sleep well."

Rainbow: "yup."

Hector become amazed to stare at newspaper to begin to read in front of everyone, "a villian named Calendar man just got beat up and tied up in the light post pole at museum by female ninja superhero named the white ninja. Good for her."

Sergio: "yeah."

Ronnie: "she back again at great lake city. Awesome, I hope she visit at my school soon."

Rainbow: "she will kiddo."

Outside of Mercado with Bruno and his hot dog cart during Friday morning then he spotted imitation pokemon named sudowoodo.

Outside of Mercado with Bruno and his hot dog cart during Friday morning then he spotted imitation pokemon named sudowoodo

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He stop in front of Bruno and said, "sudowoodo." He turned left of the sidewalk heading somewhere that make Bruno become confused.

Bruno: "I think the bagel I ate it for breakfast make me seeing things weird."

[New chapter is out for today]

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