flash sentry surprise

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Flash running in the corridor towards captain black office while holding a file in his hand and accidentally bump into two section 13 secret agents.

Section 13 secret agent #1: "watch it sentry."

He look at two secret agents with huge grin on his face and said, "sorry about it guys beside I'm excited going to be a dad for my twins." Both of them become happy about flash going to be a dad and said to him, "congratulations kid." He arrived at captain black office and bust through the door to jump captain black and Jackie chan for a bit.

Captain black: "geeze flash, don't scare us like it. Next time knocked alright."

Flash begin clam down and walk towards the desk to handed file to captain black and said, "sorry sir, at hospital for christy ultrasound and discover we're having twin boys today."

Captain black: "really congratulations mr. Sentry."

Jackie: "good job flash. You and christy decided to have a gender party yet."

Flash: "yup, we're having at canterlot city park on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 pm."

Jackie: "good plan flash."

Captain black: "indeed."

Meanwhile at royal woods cemetery with lucy and her friends having a meeting.

Lucy: "thank you all for coming as a president of mortician, Let's get this meeting started shall we."

Dante: "we need to find two normies inside the caskets for school pictures in 3 weeks."

Boris: "here here."

Haiku: "agreed."

Morpheus and Persephone agree with dante plan while nodding their heads and lucy love that idea, "good idea dante."

"Greetings Lucy."

They turn around to see master shifu show up at their meeting with koda and Master rooster."

Dante: "hey, no normies allowed."

Lucy: "relax dante, it's just my sister friend from another universes." "So master shifu you need something."

Master shifu: "yes, you kids want to meet dino charge blue ranger Koda and master rooster."

Koda: "greetings, I'm caveman from dino charge world that dinosaurs where not extinct."

Lucy and her friends become surprised about dinosaurs not extinct from koda dino charge world.

Koda: "pretty impressive right."

Dante: "yeah, my mind is blown."

Lucy: "lisa become surprised about dinosaurs not extinct from your world, koda."

Master shifu: "they will help us to find zodiac animals from both worlds before daolon wong and his partners does."

Lucy: "Sweet, welcome to the team, you two."

Koda: "thanks Lucy."

Master rooster: "indeed."

[New chapter is out for this story]

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