luna loud new gadgets

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Inside of u.s history class with luna and the students listen to mr. Philip about german invade Poland.


Mr. Philip: "enter."

The door open really wide to reveal captain black just enter the room with duke l'orange.

Luna: "captain Black! What's wrong sir?"

Captain black: "nothing wrong agent Loud just giving some gadgets for you on the mission next Friday night to las Pegasus."

Luna: "really."

Captain black: "that's right."

Wiz kid show up pushing the cart enter the room and stop behind the chalk board and pull the covers out to reveal pen, tornado fan, and purple bracelet to make luna become confused while she walks towards it.

Luna: "this is my gadgets?"

Wiz kid: "yup."

He grab the pen to show luna and said, "this right here it's a sleep spray pen to spray people in 7 feet of them that make them go to sleep." He handed sleep spray pen to luna.

Luna: "so cool."

He grab another one to be shades to show and said: "this right here it's tornado fan that makes medium tornado while you fanning really hard just front of you."

Ruby: "neat."

Joey: "awesome."

He put tornado fan down on the table and grab purple bracelet to show luna then he said, "this right here it's chi bracelet that contain with green chi shield inside to protect you from daolon wong dark magic and pressed the small red button in the middle to make green chi shield come out."

Joey: "wow."

Ruby: "that's kinda cool."

Jackie: "lucky."

She grab two gadgets from table and put chi bracelet on her right wrist then she put two gadgets inside her bag and look up at captain black, "thank you sir."

Captain black: "your welcome agent Loud."

[New chapter is out for this story]

raridash story vol. 3 : the wrath of daolon wongWhere stories live. Discover now