mcfist plan

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Mcfist need to find a plan to destroy his arch nemesis the ninja and got a idea inside of his head. He press the button on the intercom, "madame odius, come to my office now." The both doors automatic open to reveal madame odius with badpipes enter the office.

Madame odius: "what is it, mcfist."

Mcfist: "you send your monster start terrorizing people at the city to lure the ninja in for a trap."

Madame odius: "who is this ninja, mcfist?"

Viceroy: "superhero ninja of norrisville who defeat robots and the sorcerer and ruin our evil plan since forever."

Badpipes: "i will do it to destroy the ninja tomorrow."

Mcfist with warm smile on his face to love that plan and said, "atta boy, badpipes. I send robo apes to help you to terrorizing people tomorrow."

Badpipes: "sure, boss."

Viceroy: "(muttering) good luck with that."

[New chapter is out for this story today]

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