timber spruce meet the white ninja

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Everyone was making lanterns, rainbow quartz sitting on her another mother lap while holding her with one hand to do paint on her lanterns with another one.

Rainbow: "you like it squirt."

She nodded her head.

Rainbow: "you wanna try it."

She handed her daughter a paint brush on the hand to paint three lines on the lantern.

Rainbow: "let me guess, that's us right."

She nodded her head to her mother again.

Rainbow: "that's my girl."

Pinkie: "aww that's cute."

Sunset: "yup."

She grab something in her pocket and pull a small piece of garlic on her hand to put it in her mouth and eating Including derpy.

Fluttershy: "are you eating garlic, sunset?"

Sunset: "yup, beside it's good for you."

Rainbow rolled her eyes with annoying look on her face and say's, "you and derpy stop hanging out with uncle so much at his shop, because you two becoming him someday."

Sunset: "very funny, rd."

Rainbow quartz just giggles at her aunt sunset shimmer to become uncle someday.

Gloriosa: "okay, everyone! It's time to watch your lanterns fly."

Rainbow: "showtime kiddo."

Everyone began to get up and timber went to twilight and said, "hey, cool lantern! Mine's my face!"

When he showed it to twilight, she just laughed nervously and walked away. Timber frowned and went next to her, "uh, you okay."

Sci twi nodded her head.

Timber: "you don't seem like yourself tonight."

Sci twi didn't pay attention and both timber and twilight got candles' lit. Sci twi smiled at the small flame and joined the others, sci twi was right next to him.

Gloriosa: "ready?" "And go."

Everyone let their lanterns fly and was admiring the view until there was a thud and everyone look seeing pinkie's lantern hit the ground with a thud.

Pinkie become disappointed and say's, "aw."

Pumbaa: "that's suck."

She smile on her face and said, "oh, well! Now I get to eat it."

Pumbaa: "yummy."

Tummi: "sweet."

They begin to eat it and pinkie pie said, "yep, beautiful and delicious."

Everyone watched as their lanterns flew.


Sunset is sleeping on her bed and wake up to see twilight is gone on her bed and get up towards the tent to see twilight with her backpack on is running towards the forest with spike.

Sunset: "twilight?"

She went back inside the tent to change into her camp everfree uniform and went outside to chase twilight and spike in the forest but she didn't know there's white ninja jump on branch to branch to branch and stop to see them.

Sunset: "twilight? What are you doing out here?"

Sci twi: "we're...we're meeting the cab to take us home."

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