rainbow quartz first ponied up

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Next day at camp everfree

Drama letter sitting on picnic table with rainbow quartz in her arm when she drinking milk in the bottle while her mothers and their friends working on the dock then suddenly she got done with the milk.

Drama letter: "are you done, kiddo."

She grab the bottle from rainbow quartz hand to put it on the table and she burp really loud.

Drama: "(giggles) excuse you, sweetie."

Octavia, sweetie drops, Lyra heartstring,bulk biscep, timon, and pumba show up at the table with them.

Sweetie drops: "how little dash doing."

Drama: "cute as a little bug."

Rainbow quartz made a cute giggle that she makes and a light purple aura inside of her to begin to glow.

Bulk: "what in the world?"

Pumbaa: "uh-oh."

Her ears is gone from both side of the head and reappear on top of the head as small pony ears including extended tail and white wings to shocked the others. But she like it.

Octavia: "dear me, did she begin to pony up like sunset shimmer and her friends did at the friendship games."

Sweetie drops got huge smile on her face, "aww, she ponied up for first time."

Timon: "way to go kid.

She hover around the others and spotted her mothers with their friends who got done finished the dock while sunset exit the dock to heading somewhere and she begin to fly over with super speed.

Bulk: "I didn't see that coming."

Drama letter: "d'oh."

Rainbow put her arm on rarity right rib to see the dock is finished got help sunset shimmer to embrace the magic and suddenly hear a giggle from behind them then around to see rainbow quartz with pony ears, extended tail, and wings just toward them and stop.

Rarity: "pumpkin!?!"

Applejack: "golly."

Fluttershy: "oh my."

Pinkie: "wow."

Rainbow: "squirt, did you ponied up for a first time."

She nodded her head to rainbow?

Rainbow: "that was amazing."

Rarity and rainbow begin to hug each other with their breasts press together and got tears on their eyes.

Both: "we got best daughter ever to begin ponied up for a first time in camp.

Applejack: "(thought) geeze, they become rainbow parents right now."

Rainbow quartz fly down to fluttershy arms to begin ponied down with extended tail and wings are gone except for pony ears.

In the forest with sunset shimmer and derpy hooves following timber spruce in the woods then, he went down to another path and they tried to follow but they couldn't. Suddenly, they hear another rumble and they followed him and the two came across a cave and see magic emitting from inside.

Sunset: "ah, shoot!" "He's definitely up to something."

She pulled out her phone to call someone about this.

[New chapter is out for tonight.]

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