fashion show disaster

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Back to the docks, the girls are dressed for their rehearsal show. The girls are making sure their clothes ready for the show. Octavia holding sleepy rainbow quartz with pacifier in her arms at outside of the dock and hear something coming here it's mean trouble.

Octavia: "(muttering) it's hero time!"

She look at principal celestia, "you hold rainbow quartz for me because I need to go my tent to get something real quick."

Principal celestia: "sure."

She handed rainbow quartz to principal celestia and towards the tent to get something and the fashion show started.

Back in the cave with spike and the girls who been tied up in vines then suddenly timon and pumbaa show up with the mystery woman hooded figured.

Sci twi: "who are you?"

Woman: "don't worry, I'm here to help you to get out the vines."

She pulled knife under her right sleeve and went up to spike to cut the vines off of him first and set him free.

Spike: "thanks."

Woman: "no problem."

They begin the girls to get the vines off from them and back at the camp again with everyone watching the fashion show at the dock.

Rarity: "this is only a preview. I've got another entire line I'll debut at the real thing."

Then the record scratch to stop the fashion show to make rarity become confused.

Rarity: "oh, my goodness."

Everyone look to see the magical creature floating into the camp with the vines right behind her. Sadly, most of them fear that this is the spirit of the gaia everfree.

Gloriosa: "attention, campers!"

Trixie: "it's Gaea everfree."

Flash: "she's real."

Lady Phoenix show up on top of mess hall roof to see in fear to stare at Gaia everfree.

Lady Phoenix: "no way! She's real?"

"No, it's gloriosa daisy! Not gaia everfree."

She turn to see black hooded figured stay on the roof too."

Lady Phoenix: "who are you?"

The hooded figure take off the hooded to reveal a 16 yrs old girl with light orange skin, blue eyes, and long hair with red and green highlights including got ear pieces.

Girl: "I'm ruby shore. And she got equestrian gems around her neck to make her transform into Gaia everfree character."

Lady Phoenix: "perfect sense."

Suddenly they felt a rumble from underground and large amount of vines begin to spread all over the camp. The students try to run, but the vines is creating a giant wall around the camp. The vines wall even hit the dock, breaking it, rarity and the girls jump in time, but are shocked to see the damages that are done.

Rainbow: "oh, come on! We literally just finished building that."

Rarity look at principal celestia with her daughter in her arms and still asleep."

Rarity: "keep my daughter safe."

Principal celestia: "of course."

They running towards the mess hall to keep them inside safe from Gaia everfree."

"Not so fast villain."

Gloriosa look up at the mess hall roof to see two strangers who stand on the roof.

Gloriosa: "who are you?"

Lady Phoenix: "let me introduce my name."

She due justice pose and yells, "resistance is futile!"

And due another pose like recoome from dragon ball z Kai and shout again, "I am hero of justice. I never forgive evil." And due little bit fake running, "I'm the member of canterlot defender."

She due final pose is a crane stance, "I'm lady Phoenix."

Rainbow: "awesome pose."

Applejack: "little bit of showoff like Trixie."

Trixie: "I heard that!?!"

They landed on the grass from the roof to stare at Gaia everfree while wall of thrones to trap everyone inside.

Ruby pulled out her right sleeve to reveal blaster Cannon as her hand to amaze rainbow dash and pinkie.

Ruby shore: "we're here to stop you for trapping everyone inside the vine."

Lady Phoenix: "yeah."

Gloriosa: "we'll see about that."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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