beware of hammer toes

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It's middle of night at canterlot city there's a bank has been closed for tonight and all of sudden a villain named hammer toes in front of bank entrance.

Hammer toes: "it's showtime."

He was about to break the doors down with his toe and an voice appeared behind him, "halt villain!" He turned around to see the white ninja with hands on both hips.

Hammer toes: "who are you?

White ninja: "I'm white ninja and I'm sheriff around these parts. So I kick you in the butt in 10 seconds flat."

Hammer toes: "is that so."

He run towards her in full speed but she leap in the air to him, "angry Pegasus took flight!" Flying towards him in full speed and use next move, "stubborn mule kick!" She kick him by the face that sent him flying backwards to the dumpster that made huge impact on it and cold out.

White ninja: "see I told ya punk. In 10 seconds flat to kick your butt."

She then heard police sirens coming towards her in few minutes so she leap building to building to due front flip on top of building and landed on her feet begin running towards the house.

The cops arrived at the bank to capture out cold hammer toes to the van.

Jade: "the white ninja did it again, chief armor."

Chief armor: "yeah she did, jade. I heard mayor mare about she give white ninja a city key on next Saturday at 11:00 am."

Jade: "that's awesome."

But they didn't know there's two shadow figures just saw whole thing in dark alley and disappear in the dark.

Next morning

Rarity and her wife walking in the hallway towards her locker to get something for 1st period.

"Good morning girls."

They turn around to see their friends walk to them with warm smiles and rainbow dash said, "Good morning girls."

Fluttershy: "did you two watch the news this morning."

Rarity: "yeah we did, darling. That white ninja took out that ruffian who was about to break in the bank last night."

Sci twi: "who's the white ninja could be."

Rainbow: "it's a mystery, twi."

Sunset: "you said it dash. Oh you three going to great lake city on Thursday for 2nd family vacation."

Rarity: "indeed, we stay there for 5 days and come back on next Thursday afternoon."

Pinkie: "that's sweet."

[New chapter is out for this story]

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