welcome catbus

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Rainbow dash doing soccer practice with her team at the soccer field while rainbow quartz being watch on the bleachers held by derpy hooves in her arms and sinking on a bottle.

Coach iron will smile at rainbow dash daughter it's look like rainbow dash with hair then turn back at rainbow towards net and kicking through the net.

Coach iron will: "good job rainbow."

Rainbow: "thanks coach."

Rainbow quartz giggles and clapping her hands to her mother who kick the soccer through the net to make mystery mint and cloudy kicks goes awe reaction.

Coach iron will: "your daughter want to play soccer like you rainbow."

Rainbow smile pride, "yup, she going to be me someday play every sports at canterlot high school."


They look up to see large grinning creature with a hollow body, which serves as a bus. He is completely covered in tan and brown fur, has a bushy tail and windows all round his sides. The windows can scratch to become doors. It has multiple legs, like a caterpillar. It's eyes can also shine a bright yellow light in the dark, light headlights. Got sign above his head. On top edge of school begin leap off from the edge of building to grass landed perfect with his legs that's surprise shock from the others bit.

Derpy: "is that cat or what?"

Rainbow walk in front of cat like creature bus having stare down and coach iron will said to rainbow dash of nervous, "that's creature is friendly, rainbow?"

Rainbow: "are you friendly, dude?"

Catbus begin to grin on his face at rainbow and nod. She look back at the others with warm smile, "it's friendly." They calm down after that and rainbow dash got a idea in her head.

Rainbow: "it's okay with you take us to great lake city tomorrow morning at 10 am."

Catbus nodded his head again to her for taking her and her family at great lake city tomorrow morning.

Rainbow: "great, see you tomorrow. Dude."

Catbus run exit the soccer field towards the road really fast from canterlot high school and walk pass indigo zap and her girlfriend on the sidewalk to see cat like bus creature running on the road and jump up on power lines and start continue running.

Indigo: "okay we didn't see that coming."

Sunny: "yeah, let's go to my place for alone time while my parents will be home late from work."

Indigo zap got sly grin to get alone time with sunny flare and said, "alright." She carry her in bridal style begin running towards sunny flare house.

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