sci twi meet tummi gummi

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Rainbow and her wife stare at beautiful lake is far them.

Rainbow: "wow, the lake look beautiful with sparkling on it when the sun hit it."

Rarity: "indeed my love. Let's have 2nd family vacation at great lake city on next Thursday."

Rainbow: "awesome idea babe, we're going to see ronnie ann and her family again."

They closed their eyes to lean each other and about to kiss but got interrupted by crash sound and turn around to see the boat crash into the dock.

Rarity: "oh dear."

They running towards the dock to check on everyone if they're okay from the crash.

Sunset: "are you okay muffin."

Derpy: "I'm fine shimmy but got wet that's all."

Her face begins blushed as a tomato to see her fiance bra inside soaked camp everfree shirt

Derpy: "what's wrong sunset?"

Sunset: "n-n-nothing babe, come on  go to your tent get another shirt and change it then come back.

Derpy: "okay than?"

She heading to her tent and change her clothes.

Pinkie: "(gasp) you don't think it was the spirit, do you?!"

Pumbaa: "maybe."

Timon: "kinda."

Sci twi: "no... It was me...."

She walked away to worried that it might be her.

Trixie: "spirit, show yourself! The great and powerful Trixie commands it."

Pinkie makes annoyed look and facepalm her head.

Rarity: "what that's?"

Everyone look at the water to see shimmering purple sparkle in the water. Lots are wondering if it Gaia everfree who is doing it.

On the dock, sunset and her friends are look at the damage to the dock.

Rainbow: "oh, man! All our hard work! Ruined!"

Fluttershy: "at least the fishes are eating well."

Sunset: "let's salvage what we can out of the water. Maybe we can still fix this."

Rarity: "we have to try! Camp everfree needs a runaway!"

Applejack: "dock!"

Rarity: "dock. Yes. That's what I meant."

As sunset shimmer and the girls.fix the docks, twilight running into the woods. She continue to run deep in the woods, and find a clearing in the sun.

After she stop singing and begin to cry then heard rustle in the bushes.

Sci twi: "who's there. Show yourself."

A obese blue bear with indigo nose and aqua muzzle. Wore red cap With a orange feather on top, brown clothing, and sandals.

Sci twi: "hello and you heard my music did you."

He nodded his head to her

Sci twi: "are you shy?"

He nodded his head to her again.

Sci twi: "my friend fluttershy is shy too and wanna meet my friends.

He begins to smile on his face and nodded his head to her.

Sci twi: "excellent."

She take him head back at camp and meet her friends over there. Meanwhile at mr. mcfist office inside of mcfist industries at norrisville with hannibal mcfist talking with viceroy about new mcfist ideas then suddenly purple smoke appearance front of them.

Hannibal: "what the?"

The smoke clear to reveal daolon wong with warm smile on his face.

Hannibal: "um, who are you?"

Daolon: "I'm daolon wong the dark wizard."

Hannibal: "what do you want mr. Wong?"

Daolon: "we should partner up to capture animals with talismans inside before rainbow dash and the others save them. So you two, wanna partner up with me."

Hannibal: "you got a deal mr. Wong."

Viceroy: "sure."

Daolon: "i ask you something first."

Hannibal: "sure."

Daolon: "send your 1 robo ape to spy on them at camp today."

Hannibal: "you got it."

[New chapter is out today]

raridash story vol. 3 : the wrath of daolon wongWhere stories live. Discover now