video chat with the family

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The sun was just sinking below the trees as everyone roasted marshmallows and chatted amongst each other. Derpy sat in sunset shimmer's lap as she held her, her arms wrapped around her waist.

Applejack: "when we back home to find animals with talisman inside."

Drama letters: "yeah, sunset shimmer got half the locations for the animals."

Sunset: "and uncle due another locations for the animals."

Rarity: "splendid idea darling."

Flash: "don't forget to tell everyone at Canterlot high school about this."

Vice principal luna: "they won't happy about it."

Snips: "yup."

Timon and pumba nodded their heads with luna agreed while eating bugs on the plate.

2 minutes later

Rarity: "and that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks...with a burgundy dress!"

She scream for 2 seconds and look around the fire and nobody look impressed.

Rarity: "purple and burgundy, darling! The same color family."

She tried another scream, but still nothing and decided to give up

Timon: "that's not scary at all."

Pumbaa: "yeah."

He burp really loud in the forest and Got impressed by rainbow dash and bulk biscep.

Rainbow: "way to go dude."

Bulk: "awesome burp."

Pumbaa: "thank you."

Vice principal luna: "anyone else have a spooky story."

Timber: "I have one," "but I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is."

Rainbow been noticed her wife gone who sit next to twilight sparkle become disappointed on her face maybe went to tent going to chat with her family about rainbow quartz.

Trixie: "(muttering) oh boy."

Inside emerald tent with rarity sitting on the bed and due video chat with her mother and screen appears in the bedroom with her parents and hearing baby crying from the background.

Rarity: "uh-no, what's wrong with rainbow quartz."

Hondo: "she can't sleep because she miss you and rainbow so bad and but we try calm her down with lullaby music and it's nothing working.

Rarity got a idea and said,"let me see her and got a music for her."

Cookie: "of course dear."

She switched the camera to crying rainbow quartz inside the crib.

Rarity: "there, there, sweetie! Mommy here."

She stop crying to see her mother on video chat and become happy.

Rarity: "I give you a lullaby how that sound."

She nodded her head and rarity clear her throat to ready to sing.

Rarity: "🎵 come stop your crying and it will be alright. 🎵 Just take my hand hold it tight."

Principal celestia and starlight stick their heads out from the tent to hear rarity singing to her daughter on the phone and put their heads back without been noticed by rarity.

Rarity: "🎵i will protect you from all around you. 🎵 I will be here don't you cry."

Rainbow quartz is getting sleepy from her mother beautiful song with her voice.

Rarity: "🎵for one so small you seem so strong. 🎵 My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm this bond between us can't be broken, I will be here and don't you cry." "🎵 cause you'll be in my heart, yes you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more."

She begin to yawn and closed her eyes goes to sleep in the crib and still listening to music.

Rarity: "🎵 you'll be in my heart no matter what they say. 🎵 you'll be here in my heart, always."

She saw her daughter is fall asleep in the crib and camera switched back to her parents with warm smile on their faces.

Cookie: "thank you sweetie."

Rarity: "your welcome mother."

Cookie: "have fun at camp. Don't worry we're take care of her."

Rarity: "okay."

She hang up the phone and charge it on the nightstand and get off to bed to grab her nightgrown inside the drawer to change and she take off her shoes and socks then shirt.


She turn at rainbow dash inside the tent with stern look on her face.

Rarity: "hey darling."

Rainbow: "listen babe, I know you worry about our daughter sometime but you need a break."

Rarity: "I know but it's emergency because she trouble sleeping and miss us so i sing to her go to sleep that's all."

Rainbow: "really."

Rarity: "yeah."

She gives her wife with a hug and kiss her on the lips for 1 seconds then look at each other.

Rainbow: "I love you babe."

Rarity: "I love you too dashie."

Rainbow unbotton her wife short and pull it down from her knees to the floor and reveal purple pantie. She about to take off the pantie with her thumbs but stop by her wife.

Rarity: "wait, let do it at the house when we get home."

Rainbow: "sure. Good night dear."

Rarity: "you too darling."

She exit the tent towards her tent with applejack and rarity put her nightgown on then grab toothbrush and toothpaste from her backpack and heading to girls restroom to brush her teeth.

[New chapter is out today]

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