watch out for chainsaw werewolves and robo apes

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The rainbooms are hiding behind few of the boats to see gloriosa fighting with lady Phoenix & ruby while she trap everyone in the camp.

Fluttershy sighs with a sad look and ask,"why do these kind of things happen to us?"

Rarity: "what are we going to do?"

Rainbow: "what we always the day."

She holds her hand out and wait for the girls to do the same. Each of the girls smile and put their hands on top each other. They then begin as they raise hand up at same time.

Pinkie: "oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! This I going to be so much fun." "I only wish we have time to make some super hero capes."

Rarity: "oh, me too."

Rainbow: "enough without wardrobe. We gotta stop gloriosa from trapping everyone in here."

Ruby fire at two vines with her blaster Cannon and hear baby crying inside the mess hall.

Ruby: "oh boy."

She towards the mess hall to see rainbow quartz is awake and crying in principal celestia arms.

Principal celestia; "there, there, sweetie. It's going to be okay."

She grab something inside hood and pulled out teddy bear to give to rainbow quartz from inside little bit size hole in the vine

Ruby: "here you go, little one."

She stop crying to see teddy bear from nice lady and grab it from her with warm smile.

Principal celestia: "thank you."

Ruby: "no problem."

Her eyes color turn into red  just revealed to principal celestia and the others and went her eyes colored came back to her blue color. Then she continued fire at vines at camp to team up the rainbooms and lady Phoenix.

Starlight: "did everyone see her eyes turn red and back to blue."

All: "yeah."

Vice principal luna: "but, she gave a teddy bear for rainbow quartz to calm her down from crying."

Starlight: "totally."

Gloriosa lands on the sundial and ask in anger, "why are you fighting me? I'm doing this to save our camp! I'm doing this for you."

Rarity in her pony form to begin with nervously chuckled and tries to reason with her, saying, "gloriosa, let's just think about this for a moment, shall we? I mean, I think camp everfree is absolutely delightful, but I don't know that I'm quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa.

Gloriosa: "to the spa...?"

Her eyes twitches a bit

Gloriosa: "to the spa."

In raged, gloriosa create vines that begin to surround the camp. Some of the vines begin to coil around her and raised up In the air. Rainbow dash try to get gloriosa out, but the vines swat her.

Rainbow: "Bad dayyy!"

Make her hit the others then suddenly a some of vines is cut from the outside to reveal 3 Chainsaw werewolves and 10 robo apes to enter the camp with the vines cover the hole.

Rainbow: "are those robots?"

Applejack: "I believe so, rainbow."

Gloriosa look down at robots with evil smile on her face, "take care of lady Phoenix and the girl for me."

Robo ape named max to give her a salute and running towards lady Phoenix and ruby.

Ruby: "let do it lady Phoenix."

Lady Phoenix: "of course ruby."

They jump in mid-air towards the robots in full force and begin fighting with them.

[New chapter is out for today]

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