gloriosa defeat

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Lady Phoenix slash two chainsaw werewolves in half with her sharp talons and Phoenix punch on another one that send it fly backwards to the vines and explode it.

Ruby use super speed to slash five robo apes with her laser sword and dropkick another one that sent flying to the huge branch but harm.

Gloriosa: "you idiots due your job just destroyed them."

Max: "you got it boss."

Ruby get down with knee to pull out small missiles pack to fire missiles at seven robo apes just amaze rainbow dash.

Rainbow: "that's so awesome."

Rarity: "indeed."

Another robo ape behind pinkie pie to alarm rarity just in time.

Rarity: "pinkie pie! Look out!"

She jumped towards robo ape and due her kicking move, "green dragon shoot."

Kicking strike on him and final kick that send him fly backwards to the vine wall and explode into pieces.

Pinkie: "wow, thanks rarity."

Rarity: "no problem darling."

Timber tries to get out as he shout, "please, gloriosa! What you're doing is crazy! You have to listen to me."

"That isn't gloriosa."

The girls turn to see sunset, derpy, mystery hooded figure, timon, pumbaa, and twilight are enter the dome with spike. Twilight stop using her magic and feel a bit of headache soon after.

Rarity: "sunset!"

Pinkie: "timon! Pumbaa!"

Fluttershy: "derpy!"

Rainbow: "twilight!"

Sunset and twilight run to timber to get help him out of the vines. Then suddenly max coming towards them but got destroyed by ruby cannon and they join them too.

Sunset: "it's someone who been consume by equestrian magic."

They look up to see gloriosa is creating a vine cocoon around herself.

Timber: "whoever you are, you have to let my sister go! Please, gloriosa, come back! I need you!"

He begs as he begin to shed tears and fearing of losing his sister. Seeing the vines has covered gloriosa in a cocoon, timber scream, "gloriosa!"

Twilight tries to pull timber out of the cocoon but the vines covered him up, the fully inside the cocoon and cover the camp in a dome.

Ruby: "oh boy!"

Lady Phoenix: "this is bad."

Rainbow: "babe!"

Rarity: "I'm on it."

She use her dragon diamond to create a force field to keep her friends are safe inside but the vines begin to bang at the field hoping to break it.

Rarity: "I don't know how long I can keep this forever."

Sunset look at twilight, "it's up to you." "You can use your magic to pull the brambles out."

Sci twi: "no! There's too many of them. It would take too much magic. I can't."

Sunset: "it's only way! You have to embrace the magic inside of you."

Sci twi: "what if she take over? What if instead of saving everyone, I turn into midnight sparkle and only make thing worse?"

Derpy: "that won't happen! We won't let it."

The sound of the shield cracking begin to be sounded and twilight tries to use her magic but it didn't do anything. Rarity fainted from the pleasure who saved by her wife.

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