discover magic power part 2

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They run over to the mess mall to see the place is covered in cookie batter.

Sunset: "what happened?"

Tummi: "whoa!'

Fluttershy: "i don't know. We were just decorating cookies and..."

Then pinkie happily shouts, "and I was all, you need more Sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles."

She grabbing some sprinkles from that bottle. Then toss it on batter. The others see the sprinkles glow and exploded on the batter. The gang end up with cookie batter and sprinkles on them.

Pinkie shakes them off and say's," just like that, only earlier."

Sunset: "ooookay. Why don't you lay off touching stuff for a while."

Tummi: "you said it sunset."

Fluttershy: "oh, dear. We really should clean all of this up."

Fluttershy goes to the shelf to see the paper towels are on the top. She tries to reach it, but her hands can't reach it.

Fluttershy: "can someone help me out?"

The paper towel were knocked by dale chipmunk and landed on her arms.

Fluttershy: "Dale?"

Dale: "hey fluttershy."

Fluttershy: "thank you for helping me to grab the paper towel."

Dale: "no problem."

He jumped from the shelf and landed on fluttershy right shoulder then suddenly yellow bird show up and landed on fluttershy finger then to begin chirp at her.

Fluttershy: "thank you mr. Bird but dale got it from me."

Then the bird chirps back to her.

Fluttershy smiles and says, "why, of course I can get you a little something to."

She then gasps and asks, "did you just...talked."

The bird tweeted back to her.

Fluttershy: "but I don't speak 'chirp'

Dale: "me either."

The bird continues to talk in it' own language.

Fluttershy understand it and says, "I don't know if you're the only bird i can understand."

The bird then begin to call out, which is making fluttershy nervous.

Fluttershy: "oh, no! Please don't call for your friends."

Dale: "oh boy, I need move out of the way for this."

He hop off from fluttershy shoulder to the table then gang move and duck out of the way to see more birds and a few owls flying on fluttershy. She end up with birds and owls on her arms and the bird she is originally talking to on her head.

Fluttershy simply smile and say's, "it's nice to meet you all, too."

Tummi: "were you just talking to the birds."

Fluttershy: "um, yes."

Just then, they hear the door slammed and make fluttershy scream, making the birds away in the process. The gang turn to see rarity and applejack walking in.

Applejack: "did you tell them what happened? So crazy! Ah hoisted rarity up the rock climbin' wall like it was nothin'! Like I had way more strength then I usually do."

Tummi: "and I saved her with my bounce."

Rarity: "and I made a diamond with dragon face on it thing appear out of nowhere, which normally I'd excited about. I mean, the facets were just perfect, and the..."

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