discover magic power part 1

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Later on, some of the students, including the girls are climbing rock at the climbing wall. Principal celestia are supervising. Rarity is climbing while applejack is holding the rope while rarity is ready to climb.

Principal celestia: "rock climbing is all about perseverance and trust. Rarity, you can trust that applejack will spot you."

Rainbow: "yeah, so you can totally go faster than you're going."

Applejack: "rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow: "sorry. I've been waiting to do this since we got here."

Rarity: "well, you have to wait a little longer honey."

She is still not being patient about waiting her turn. She turned to see twilight with timber and bear coming to the wall "

Rainbow: "hey twilight, you want to spot with me."

Sci twi: "no thanks."

Rainbow: "great! I'll go get another harness."

Run to find some Climbing ropes and a hardness.

Timber: " I better make sure my sister doesn't need anything. See you later."

Timber begin to walks away as he looked at twilight. She looked at timber the same way.

Applejack: "who's that big bear feller with you twi because he's very quiet."

He begin to talk and says, "yeah, I am."

Applejack: "golly."

Sci twi: "whoa, you can talk."

Bear: "yup, I'm tummi gummi."

Applejack: "great name."

Tummi: "thanks."

Sunset walks over holding spike and say's, "hey twilight, I was looking for you."

Sci twi: "really."

Sunset: "yeah."

Just then, everyone begin to feel a large cushing and rolling noise, along with the ground is shaking. Luckily at last a few seconds and it finally stop. However, everyone are shocked to witnessed the event.

Spike: "was that an earthquake?"

Sci twi: "we aren't near any fault mines."

Bulk: "hey! Who left this crystal dusty stuff here."

Everyone look to see more sparkling dust on the ground.

Derpy: "did something like on the water yesterday."

Flash: "yeah."

On the rock climb, rarity slips on one of the rocks and moves her arms and legs around, afraid of falling. Then She manages to grab on to the rope with yelp.

Rarity: "i-i believe I'd like to come down now."

Applejack: "you got it."

Applejack hears rarity and tries to help her get down but notice the harness is stuck.

Applejack: "sorry, it's a little bit stuck."

She tries her best to get the rope unstuck. Unaware, applejack's hand being to glow and pull on the harness so hard that rarity is fastly being pull to the air, making her scream in the process. Seeing her hands glow and shocked for the unexpected string, she accidentally let go of the rope causing rarity to fall.

Tummi: "I'll save you."

He jumped and fall down on his butt from the grass to bounce very high to rescue her with his paws and landing perfect to put her back on her feet.

Rarity: "thanks for saving me."

Tummi: "no mention it."

Sunset: "way to go dude."

Principal celestia: "is everything.okay over there?"

Applejack: "uh, I don't know what happened. I didn't even pull the rope that hard. It's like she was light as a feather all of sudden."

Rarity: "i was scared half of death."

Applejack: "let me help you get your harness out."

Rarity: "no, thank you!"

Suddenly make a light blue diamond shield with face of dragon on it.

Applejack screams as the diamond is pushing her back. Everyone hear a splashing sound and heard another noise too.

"Are you okay?."

Applejack comes out of the bushes with small and slender yellow cub. Cowlick-cut blonde hair. Wore both green tonic and medieval style shoes.

Everyone can see she is soaked and wet. Applejack simply spit some water out of her mouth holding and annoying look on her face.

Principal celestia: "what in the world just happened?"

Tummi: "hey sunni, what are you doing here?"

Sunni: "just taking a hike."

Tummi: "neat."

Just then gloriosa comes by and happily say's, "hi girls! Anything I can do for you?"

Sci twi: "applejack just fell into the lake."

Gloriosa: "oh, no! She gonna need warm towels, dry clothes, oh, and a hot coco! I've got this."

She gasped to see tummi and sunni gummis next to sunset shimmer, sci twi, and spike.

Gloriosa: "the gummi bears are real."

Both: "yup."

Gloriosa: "where's your treehouse at anyway."

Sunni: "it's 1 miles from here. And I help you to get towels and dry clothes for her."

Gloriosa: "of course."

She joined gloriosa walk away to find some towels. Just then, they hear a booming sound following by a familiar scream.

Both: "fluttershy."

Tummi: "uh-oh."

[New chapter is out today]

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