enter spd red ranger

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Randy and his best friend Howard just walking on the sidewalk towards the game hole on a Sunday.

Randy with excitement expression, "so Bruce about new video games coming out today at the game hole." And Howard said to his best friend, "you said it Cunningham. It got different type of characters and locations with power ups."

Then suddenly screaming several people start running pass them to hide from something and randy said, "why the people screaming from?" Howard eyes went wide and pointed his finger at something, "away from that thing over there." He turned around to see badpipes with robo apes who terrorizing the city.

Badpipes: "come out ninja to face me. Hahaha."

He pulled out his mask from jacket pocket and says, "it's ninja time." He went to the alley and behind the trash dumpster to transform into the ninja.

Badpipes: "where are you ninja, show yourself."

"Right here."

He saw the ninja standing on top of red car while holding swords on his hand and he said, "are you excitement from mcfist or sorcerer monster?"

Badpipes: "nope, I belong to madame odius who partner with micfist, daolon wong, and yoo-yee

Randy: "what the juice is madame oidus, daolon wong, and yoo-yee."

Badpipes: "i can't tell you after we defeat you."

"Not so fast punks."

Randy turn around his head at the back to see a male SPD cadet name sky tate left next to bucky and bash who's hiding behind parked car.

Randy: "don't worry citizen, I got this."

Sky pull SPD morpher badge from his pocket and says, "SPD EMERGENCY!" He transform into SPD red ranger to shock Howard, randy, badpipes, and several people.

Randy: "what the juice?"

Howard: "okay that so Bruce."

Bash: "whoa, I didn't see that coming."

Bucky: "awesome."

Badpipes: "you're a power ranger."

He leap in the air just landed on his feet on top hood of the car right next to the ninja and he said, "we should team up to defeat that monster and robo apes."

Randy: "of course dude."

Badpipes: "oh-boy, I'm in trouble right now."

[New chapter is out for this story today]

raridash story vol. 3 : the wrath of daolon wongWhere stories live. Discover now