the assembly

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Every students enter the auditorium for assembly that principal celestia made in the intercom this morning.

Reggie ask rumble with confused look and said, "what kind of assembly is this anyway." He answered back to reggie question, "beats me rumble. I hope it's about tricking water fountain from the 2nd floor Because I hate that." They spotted principal celestia enter the stage with captain black, the chans, tohru, tommy Oliver, and avery bullock. She then speak everyone with a microphone in her hand, "good, you all for assembly."

Gilda rise her hand up for begin to speak, "what's going on here, principal celestia." She look at gilda with stern look and said, "the enforcers are back and team up with Dark chi wizard named daolon wong to grab animals with talismans inside because jade destroy them in the vault before he show up."

The crowd gasps of shock and horror about daolon wong team up with the enforcers to grab animals with talismans inside and principal celestia begin to speak, "don't worry, we rescue the animals with the help of avery bullock, the head of CIA in Langley falls, Virginia and tommy Oliver known as green ranger/red zeo/ white ranger/Dino ranger from power rangers universe."

Tommy: "greetings."

Avery bullock: "hello there."

Principal celestia: "on Friday, the chans, tohru, flash sentry, luna loud, duke o'lrange, and princess rainbow sparkle to las pegasus to catch the white tiger with yin and yang talismans."

Sweetie belle: "princess twilight sparkle wife become alicorn? Since when."

Principal celestia: "since last Friday."

Apple bloom become impressed and said, "good fer her to become alicorn like her wife and daughter including the princesses."

Scootaloo: "yup."

[New chapter is out]

raridash story vol. 3 : the wrath of daolon wongWhere stories live. Discover now