1 - Scolding

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"Perfect." Felix said with a smile while holding a bunch of snacks for both him and his brother, Lee Minho. He had arrived to Korea from Australia just last night and was now going to visit his older sibling, and being the considerate person he is, he decided to bring some of Minho's favorite snacks.

He went up to the cashier and placed the ramen, fruit, and ice cream down at the counter, then rummaged through his pockets for his money.

Because he had never been to Korea, he was even nervous about the paying process, which made him take out more money than needed. He immediately handed it to the woman with a nervous smile and she smiled back as she gave him a bag.

However, as he put the snacks into the grocery bag, her smile immediately turned into a frown when she counted 20,000 won instead of 16,000.

"Yah!" She yelled. Though Felix wasn't so familiar with Korean, he already knew that the way she called him meant something bad. He slowly stopped what he was doing to look up at the lady who stared back at him with a glance.

"Here, you gave too much." She said as she reached her hand out to return the extra won. Felix on the other hand, kindly declined it...which she didn't find very appreciative.

"I-It's a tip, keep it." He said, stuttering but giving a smile. He couldn't help but mentally curse himself for stuttering when he already wasn't familiar with Korean.

"What? Do you think i'm broke or something?" Felix gave her a confused look.

"Not at all, I just thought it would be nice." He said. But to his surprise, she only got more upset. He shook his head in confusion.

He had no idea why she was so upset over a tip, in fact, he thought it was childish. Of course he could get childish himself, but this was going overboard. She then started to degrade him for his Korean, saying that he really needed to learn his manners, meanwhile he was just zoning out.

"𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘒𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘢 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦." He thought to himself. She ranted and ranted, not even caring that everyone in the store was now staring at the two. Felix, not wanting to turn it into a bigger situation, just stared at the floor and nodded as she lectured him...with a bit of degrading.

Everyone continued watching until one male finally had enough. He walked over to the two and slammed a can of beer on the countertop, catching both the attention of Felix and the cashier as he gave the woman an unfriendly glare.

"Is this how you treat costumers?" He asked. Both Felix and the cashier paused for a minute, before she crossed her arms and spoke.

"Hey, didn't you see the way he paid me just now?" She asked.

"Of course, i'm not blind unlike you who can't even tell that he's a foreigner." The male replied. At this, everyone in the store started laughing, including Felix.

As she was left speechless, she just groaned and rolled her eyes, then leaned over to Felix who was also laughing.

"Hey," She said, immediately catching his attention. "Learn some manners next time kid, and work on your Korean." He nodded and thanked her, then turned to the tall male who stood by him and thanked him.

He walked out to the door, but then paused and turned back around to see the male paying and walking to the door as well.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Ah..well, thank you for sticking up for me." Felix bowed to him. The male in front of him then let out a chuckle.

"No problem mate." He replied in English before taking a sip of his beer and heading out to his car. Felix stood there for a minute, watching him then smiling and running to the bus stop to meet with his brother.

< 2 weeks later >

Felix finally made it. He was now at the school he had desired to go to for so long, staring up at the building that stood tall and brightly before him.

But because he was at a cafe before with his friends, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jisung, he was late by 5 minutes, giving him a very small amount of time to admire the beauty of the place, which is not good for a new student at all.

He immediately ran into the building after 10 seconds of staring to head to his first period which was dance class, making the three that came late with him shake their heads and laugh.

He pulled up his schedule from his phone and ran to the second floor, now seeing that the time was 8:36.

He looked around for a bit trying to find the dance room, he didn't even bother to try and take his bags to his locker, and although he was new, he already knew that the students were now practicing a dance, which made it worse for him.

He finally found the room and threw the door open, making a loud noise and catching the attention of everyone dancing. They all looked at him for a bit, some with startled faces, some with annoyed faces. He awkwardly smiled at everyone before looking towards his teacher and bowing.

"Felix, you're late." Ms. Jung said as she put her hands upon her hips. He walked over to her and apologized, only to receive just a note that wrote "detention" all over it from her.

"Not again..." He sighed. Somehow he just keeps getting into trouble, and it was then where he felt like he was going to have a really tough time in Korea now.

He only bowed in apology and walked over to the benches not caring to introduce himself to anyone. He just put his things down and stood in his place to stretch. He felt a bunch of eyes on him which made him feel a bit uneasy, until he heard some whispers.

"Wow he's so handsome."

"I wonder if he's single."

"His freckles are so cute."

It only took one good remark about him from one person in his class to put a smile on his face. Because he always focuses on his appearance, getting good compliments made him feel better no matter what it was about, his dancing, singing, or himself in general. Then, he thought, that maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now