16 - Harm

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Felix left the dance room with Minho and Hyunjin beside him, drinking water out of exhaustion from all the dancing he just did, but he had fun.

Minho and Hyunjin wouldn't stop ranting about how cool he looked, making Felix giggle. People everywhere around the school started greeting the three boys who walked together, and they greeted back.

"Now that Felix stands out more, you could see that he's actually really handsome."

"They're all so cool."

"No wonder Felix and Minho are related."

They heard whispers like this everywhere they went, and Felix honestly loves it. He had never experienced being popular in school, so he was really having fun, and he hasn't heard any bad things about him at all. The teachers started treating him better, the students always offered to share lunch with him, and people always praised him.

"𝘚𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯, 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘣𝘪𝘯, 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭, 𝘩𝘶𝘩." He thought to himself as he walked down towards his lockers.

There's also Seungmin, Jisung and Jeongin who got really popular from their majors, and soon got popular around the school after having high scores on the test.

But of course Felix was still down to earth and humble, and so were the rest of the 7 boys. They never let the popularity get to their heads, they just wanted to enjoy it for as long as they could although Chan, Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin didn't pay it much attention since they were used to it.

Felix opened his locker and placed his things inside, but then stopped as he found a note inside. He slowly took it out before observing the letter, then opening it. He expected a love letter, but as he read the note written inside it, he felt himself go pale.

He looked around to try and see if there was anyone that seemed suspicious of leaving the note, but there was no one there except Minho and Hyunjin who were too busy laughing and joking to notice the discomfort of the younger boy. He looked back down at the note and took in a deep breath as he felt himself wanting to collapse.

"Hyungs, I have to go to the bathroom." He said as he stuffed the note in his pocket and bowed down to the two who waved at him then continued chatting.

He ran to the bathroom and took out the note again, reading it over to make sure he read it correctly the first time, he then sighed and huffed.

"What did I do wrong..." He said while scratching his hair in frustration, fear, and sadness. He looked at the note once more as it read; "Go kill yourself you whore." He balled up the note and threw it up in the air, kicking it like a soccer ball and scoring it in the trashcan. He then smirked and brushed off his shoulder.

"People will be jealous and hate, Lix." He told himself as he walked out the bathroom with sass. Of course he couldn't just let a note get to him that easily when he's been through worse. You could say that he was even used to this, or more like, he was prepared for these kinds of things.

He then stopped as he bumped into Chan, who had a jacket on that was painted with a bunch of colors, gloves, and goggles on his head with a chemistry uniform instead of his own clothes so the chemicals wouldn't get to them.

But even though this outfit was a mess, he still looked insanely hot. Felix mentally cursed the older for how good he looked as he broke eye contact with the male, then proceeded to fake a cough as his way of breaking the awkward silence.

"God you smell like chemicals." Felix said dramatically, earning an eye roll from Chan.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get to class shortie." Chan said with a smirk as he walked off. Felix blinked a few times at the name "shortie" before turning around to Chan who headed to the bathroom with his hands in the pockets of the jacket he wore. Damn it, even his back profile is hot. Felix just huffed then ran off to class.


Finally, lunchtime. Felix groaned as he sat down with Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin at their usual table. He was pretty tired from all the work he just finished doing in math class. Jisung just laughed at the boy and offered to feed him, which he immediately allowed Jisung to do so.

Felix smiled and moved his head from side to side in happiness as he chewed onto the warm rice. Felix thought of making his own lunch until he read that they'd have curry and rice, and if there's any food he loves as much as rice cakes, it's most definitely curry and rice.

Seungmin and Jeongin also fed him, he felt like he was being really spoiled as he happily accepted the food they offered.

Of course, Felix also offered some of his because he felt like it would be inconsiderate and unfair for him to not share as well. And just like that, the four all started sharing food with each other just like they did as kids, making it a really warm moment.

That is, until Yuri came over and sat next to Felix, giving him a big smile. He smiled back and then introduced Yuri to all his friends, and they all greeted her happily. The 5 all ate their lunch while chatting about anything that came to mind, until Felix realized he was out of water.

"I'm gonna go get some more water." He said, and Yuri took this as a golden opportunity. As Felix got up to stand, she patted his shoulder to signal him that she'll get it for him instead.

Because the two have been friends for such a long time, Felix understood exactly what she meant, which is the worst part since deep down inside, Yuri hated Felix. She stood up to act as if she was going to get water for the boy, but smirked to herself before purposely tipping her bottle of coffee over him.

Felix yelled out in pain as the coffee spilled on him, burning him and ruining his clothes, which made tears start filling up his eyes as he hissed from the pain. The cries coming from the boy made everyone in the cafeteria jump, and Yuri immediately started acting as if she was concerned.

Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin stood up as soon as the coffee spilled on him and grabbed tissues, rushing over to the boy who was now crying. Then Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, and Changbin rushed over as quickly as they could, everyone else in the cafeteria ran over as well, checking to see what was going on.

Jisung and Seungmin were panicking and trying to wipe the coffee off him, continuously telling the boy not to cry and that it would be okay, and Yuri kept apologizing, though she was really smirking to herself.

Jeongin on the other hand, glared at Yuri as he knew she had did it on purpose. He saw her move her finger slightly to the cup, and her small smirk afterwards. He really felt like killing her right then and there but calmed himself as he helped Felix to stand.

Everyone watched with concerned faces, asking Felix over and over if he was okay. Chan and Minho rushed over to the boy while Hyunjin and Changbin started to scold Yuri, not caring if it was an "accident" or not.

She continued apologizing to them, but really didn't feel sorry at all. She didn't even care that she was being scolded, she was just glad that everything was going to plan.

Chan looked behind him as he helped the others assist Felix to stand while teachers had to come over, staring at Yuri with eyes that were full of bloodlust before turning his attention back to Felix who was still crying from the pain.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now