6 - Sleep

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Chan and Felix were now on their way to the dorms along with Minho and Jisung. The three were all laughing together, meanwhile Chan just stared at the ground being deep into thought, which Felix took notice of. He thought of checking on the male, but decided to mind his own business as he went back to talking to the couple.

When they finally got to the floor of the dorms, Felix felt a wave of indecisiveness flow within him, suddenly wanting to go with Minho and Jisung, but not wanting to leave his dorm mate alone as he noticed he was stressed about something.

He tried thinking of what could've made the blonde male so pensive, but couldn't remember anything. They all went to a coffee shop, talked, and that was it. They didn't talk about anything bad nor did Chan show any signs of stress until now.

In the end, Felix just went with the couple as he was already quite the awkward person. I mean, what would he even say to Chan? More like, what could he say to comfort the male.

Chan walked to his dorm, entering the key and shutting the door behind himself as he let out a huge sigh. He headed to the kitchen and threw open the refrigerator door to find an apple, a food he always ate whenever he was stressed. He grabbed it and flopped down on the couch as the bright sun shined onto him.

"Why the hell was she there?" He said to himself before flipping up the apple in his hand and taking a bite out of it. Recalling the eye contact he made with the female that Felix ran into at the cafe, he sighed again. Of all people, he had to see his ex again. Small world.


Felix sat on top of the table in the living room while shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. Cereal at 6pm? Yes.

"I hope you choke." Jisung commented jokingly. Felix slowly raised the cereal bowl up, threatening to throw it at Jisung but instead, he spilled it all over himself.

Jisung burst into laugher while the younger boy sat jaw dropped with the spoon still in his hand, then Minho ran into the room as he was feeling like some sort of babysitter.

"Aish Felix, make a mess in your own dorm." The male said while wiping the table with paper towels, but getting hit on his head with the bowl by Felix, which made Jisung laugh more. This is the childish Felix we were talking about.

Minho just shook his head and grabbed the bowl and spoon away from the boy who was still covered in lucky charms and milk. He really was babysitting. He cleaned up the mess finally and picked Felix up to put him on the couch.

"Felix, stop being a kid." He said, pointing his finger at the younger for extra measure. Felix just stuck his tongue out. Minho sighed along with a roll of eyes and headed back to his room. When the door was heard being shut, Jisung climbed over to the boy and hugged him tightly, receiving a hug back.

"Jisungie~~" Felix said as the two cuddled on the couch, watching TV.


Felix woke up and patted around the couch to feel for Jisung, but only touching air. He lifted up with a groan before looking around to see that no one was there.

He sat up completely and looked out the window just to find that it was now night time. He stood up from the couch and headed to the door to leave, pretty sure that the couple were already fast asleep.

He tied his shoelaces after slipping on his shoes, then slowly opened the door without making noise, not wanting to wake anyone up. He felt around his pockets to make sure his keys were with him even though he knew that he really couldn't work them well.

"Jeez, it's really late." He whispered to himself as he saw the time displayed on his phone as "1:30am" He then immediately ran to his room after remembering that curfew was an hour ago.

He stood up to the door once he made it to his room, giving the door knob a death stare. He pulled out his key and gently insert it, and this time, it went in perfectly.

"How come it didn't do that last time?" He mumbled to himself with a laugh, but instantly his laugh was cut off by the sight of his dorm mate laying on the couch.

"You idiot, why are you laying there?" He said to himself, but referring to Chan, before he shut the door and slowly walked towards the sleeping male.

"God, he's even pretty when he's sleeping this is so unfair." He whispered. Then, he tapped on the male, not wanting to cause such a racket and just wake him up gently, but didn't get any response. He huffed and then held his hands upon his hips.

"Yah, wake up you idiot." He said, then giggled to himself after realizing how much of a mom he sounded like. Yet, Chan didn't even wake up to that. Felix just dropped his hands out of frustration and huffed again.

"Fine, you can sleep there." He said. He then went up to the stairs, but stopping to look at the male still sleeping sound. He sighed then walked down the stairs in annoyance and flopped onto the other couch. He looked at the male with his eyes still closed once more before laying down on the couch.

"I'll feel bad if I just take the bed while you're sleeping here, so i'll sleep here too." He said with a pout before shutting his eyes. Obviously, a bed is something Felix would never give up, but he couldn't help but feel guilty if he just let his dorm mate sleep alone in the cold.


Felix woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining on him. He sat up from the couch, rubbing his back. Man, the couch did not feel good. He looked around to see the dorm empty.

"Chan?" He called. He stood up from the couch and stretched, then walked to the kitchen to find Chan. He then walked to the bathroom after finding the kitchen empty, however the bathroom door was open and no one was in there.

He sighed and walked up to the room, and again, it was empty. He just rolled his eyes and headed to the closet to find some clothes.

He took out a yellow sweater and blue jeans, but suddenly he felt like he wanted to switch it up a bit. So he threw the blue jeans back in and instead took out a white skirt with sunflowers on it and thigh high stockings. Yes, femboy Felix.

After putting on the outfit, he did a twirl in the skirt and giggled at the way it fluttered. Because no one was home, he felt like he could wear whatever he wants comfortably without anyone judging him.

He ran around a bit and jumped on the bed while laughing just to get the feel of the skirt fluttering, then ran to the front door to put on some shoes and go see Minho and Jisung. He took out his phone and dialed their contact, then ran out the door excitedly.

But as he ran out the door, he was met by a familiar face. It was her. The girl he had bumped into at the cafe that was now staring at him with eyes of shock.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now