21 - Party

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"Felix, are you ready?" Chan called out to the boy who was still in the bathroom. It was now 7:50pm, 10 minutes before the party would start and Felix finally finished putting on his earring before running down stairs to Chan.

As soon as he made it, Chan looked away, obviously blushing, which made Felix's heart pound as he wondered if Chan was blushing because of him.

Felix was wearing a white top and white jacket with black leather pants, along with some jewelry along with his purple hair that made the look complete.

Felix put on his shoes and finally, the Aussies headed out their dorm, they then met up with Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, Changbin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin who all looked really good as well.

The two were surprised that the other's didn't leave yet considering the time, but they just went on to the elevator and headed out the building.


They all arrived at a ball, then they brushed off their clothes and fixed their hair, making sure that they look good. Jisung even bought a whole damn mirror when really, he could've just looked at the camera on his phone. Typical Jisung.

They all walked into the bar and everyone in the bar immediately started cheering and greeting them, making them all smile.

Then, Seungmin, Jeonin and Jisung ran over to a chocolate fountain they found and started dipping things into it like strawberries, bananas, and others, which made the others laugh. They looked so excited about it, almost like children, and it was cute.

Minho, Hyunjin, and Changbin just headed over to a table for some drinks, that was full of students from their department who also greeted them as soon as they came over. So now, it was again just Felix and Chan.

"What do you want to do first?" Chan asked the younger, and he smiled.

"I wanna get drunk!" He said while laughing and leaning over Chan, who just shook his head and chuckled. Felix might've already been drunk with the way he was acting now. Felix and Chan, instead of getting drinks, just went to go play games together.

"We have to play an interesting game." Felix said almost as if he was demanding it. Chan again, shook his head. The younger was already excited about the party, which the older found pretty cute.

He pulled out a game "Twister" and laid the mat down on the ground, and some students came over to watch the two play while another student spun the wheel.

The two both started off with their left foots on the mat, Chan on blue, Felix on red. The student spun the wheel on Felix's turn, and he had to move his right hand on yellow, so he did do so. Then Chan had to move his hand over to red, and not even five minutes into the game, they were already crossing over each other.

More students came over to watch as they got more and more twisted, until a move came along that made Felix instantly back out

When Felix was told to move his right hand on green, he hesitated, knowing that if he moved his hand over to green he'd be practically bending over towards Chan. So he purposely moved his hand to the wrong color, and everyone burst into laughter.

Chan hugged Felix, who was also laughing, but who's heart was racing like crazy. Then, all the laughter caught the attention of Yuri, and she came over to the two as she didn't even know they came in before.

"I had no idea you were even here." She said while running over to the Aussies who sat on the mat, exhausted.

She pulled Felix up by the hand, and Chan stood up after him, then when she pulled Felix towards a table with a group of males and females who were smiling at him, he already sensed that something bad would happen.

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