12 - Results

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They're here, the test results are finally here. It's been about a week since all the students had finished midterms and now it was time to reveal the scores of everyone. There was a score bore in the hallway, and the top 10 students with high scores would display at the
top of the board.

Felix rushed to the hallway to see everyone standing in front of the board, some upset, which is probably due to an low score, some happy, and some were admiring the top 10 students. Felix studied a lot, but he was really stressed before, he just crossed his fingers and hoped the stress didn't ruin his grades.

He slowly walked over, then everyone turned towards the boy, and started clapping. He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as to why they were clapping for him as if he just made some sort of accomplishment. Turns out he did, Felix scored 3rd place on the board, 3rd place.

He rubbed his eyes and pinched himself before looking back up at the board. He wasn't dreaming. He smiled and started jumping out of excitement, some other students started smiling with him as well.

Because he took longer than almost half the whole college during testing, he really felt like he was bound to failing, turns out, he's far from failing. He looked back up at the board to see the other students that were in the top 10 along with him.

In first place, Bang Christopher - score: 390
In second place, Kang Yuri - score: 387
In third place, Lee Felix - score: 380
In fourth place, Kim Seungmin - score: 378
In fifth place, Lee Minho - score: 377
In sixth place, Yang Jeongin - score: 367
In seventh place, Hwang Hyunjin - score: 360
In eighth place, Han Jisung - score: 352
In ninth place, Seo Changbin - score: 350
In tenth place, Moon Jeonghwa - score: 320

Felix was glad that all of he and his friends had made it in the top 10. He was viewing the scores and did some calculations, he was 10 points away from first place.

He then started to calculate the difference between last place and first place until he felt a hand around his waist, he was then picked up and hugged tightly.

"You did it bro!" He heard a voice say. He turned around to see Minho smiling at him, he giggled and hugged the other back, both laughing together as the rest of their friends came over to all congratulate each other.

"I knew you'd do good." Jeongin said to Felix as he ran into the boy for a hug. They all smiled and laughed together, then Felix looked around to see Chan no where in sight, so he decided to go look for the male.

He waved goodbye to all his friends as he headed to the cafeteria, wanting a snack before he went to go see the male. But he stopped and ran behind a table as he saw both Chan and his girlfriend in the cafeteria.

It was empty so it was only those two besides Felix who was now hiding, so he thought they were kissing. But to his surprise, they weren't hugging or kissing or being lovey dovey like a couple would, but they were arguing.

"Why do you always buy things for other people??" He heard the girl shout, and Felix just squinted his eyes and scrunched his eyebrows, making a confused face. Was she really upset about what Chan spends his money on? Must be a gold digger then.

He sat behind the table for a bit, hoping that they would stop arguing soon. But the thing is, Chan was calm the whole time while she was the only one yelling, seems like he was used to this.

Felix started feeling as if he was gonna get a cramp from sitting down on the floor so much, he was about to rub his back until he heard Chan speak.

"Then let's break up." Felix instantly sat back down and covered his mouth, not wanting to make any noise from the gasp he felt himself let out. He turned back around to see the girl crying, she ran out the cafeteria, leaving Chan behind.

Felix then sighed, but he still couldn't come from hiding, he didn't want Chan to know that he accidentally snooped down at the two. He was just relieved that they finally stopped arguing.

Then some minutes passed and Chan still hasn't left, which Felix let out a quiet groan to. He was tired of sitting on the cold floor, he wasn't able to sit at the table because then he'r be visible and there's no way he would lay down on the floor. He just sighed and put his knees up to his chest until an idea popped in his head.

Since Chan was being too busy scrolling through his phone, he probably wouldn't notice if Felix silently but quickly crawled out of the cafeteria, well that's what he thought.

Chan already knew Felix was there from the moment he walked in, which is the reason why he was so calm during the argument. He decided to sit down for a while then once Felix decided to try and sneak out, he would point him out, and Felix fell right into his trip.

The younger male slowly moved on his knees, not wanting to make any sound as he attempted to reach the exit.

As he made it to the cafeteria door finally, he turned around to see Chan still in his phone, then turned back around to see people pass in the hallways.

He slowly stood up since he didn't want anyone to see him crawling like a weirdo, then slowly started to tip-toe out of the cafeteria door. Then he stopped in his tracks after hearing the other male in the room speak.

"Felix." He called, and at this, Felix froze with wide eyes. He slowly turned around to see Chan glaring at him as he still sat in his seat with his head rested in his hand.

But soon he stood up, which made Felix panic. The boy looked around, trying to find an excuse to use but then stopped to face the now smirking Chan.

It was then where he felt butterflies rushing through him while his heart raced faster than it ever has. Chan had him pinned up against the wall, and they were now just inches apart from each other.

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