5 - Cafe

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The boy was now standing idle in the doorway, staring with wide eyes as he faced the tall, blonde male in front of him.

He was never surprised whenever he met Chan, but to see that Chan is his dorm mate really was shocking. Now, he wondered if he would continue running into problems in the dorm only to be met by Chan running in to help him. Such as him burning the kitchen.

"Are you coming in or not?" He heard the other ask which immediately snapped him out of his thoughts. He nodded and quickly entered the dorm, just to hear the door shutting and being locked behind him.

He looked around to see the pretty view of the living room in his dorm, which also had a screen door that led to a balcony.

He ran to the balcony and breathed in the fresh air, going "Felix, fighting!" before walking back into the dorm. He ran into the kitchen to find Chan already cooking the rice cakes. He then walked over to him, but not too close, just to give him a head tilt out of curiosity.

"I'm cooking them for you." He said in response to the obviously curious Felix. Felix just nodded his head awkwardly and went over to the sit on the couch.

He didn't know why, but he felt really nervous even though he already pretty much knew Chan. He then sat from the couch to run to the balcony again and catch some air to tell himself "Felix, fighting!" once more before running back into the living room.

He looked around to observe the dorm he was now going to be living in. Then he went "oh!" before standing up and heading to the rooms to view everything in there.

But what made him stop in the doorway is the single bed in the room. He looked around, just hoping that maybe there was another bed not visible when you walk in. But unfortunately for him, there was only one bed.

He sighed and it was then where he felt a presence behind him, so he turned around to see Chan standing above him, also looking in the room.

"I really wasn't expecting a dorm mate, so I just got a single bed." He said.

"You weren't gonna share with Hyunjin or Minho?" Felix asked.

"Minho is with his boyfriend, Jisung. Hyunjin is with Changbin. So now it's you and I." Chan replied. And for some reason, the words "you and I" coming from Chan, that referred to himself and Felix, made Felix really nervous, so he instantly changed the topic.

"Oh! You might burn the rice cakes!" He chanted. Chan just chuckled and calmly walked back downstairs to the kitchen.

Felix sighed and headed inside the room to flop down on the bed, exhausted from today. He pulled out his phone to see multiple missed calls from his parents. He just ignored them and headed to sleep, he really deserves a nap after such a day.


"Felix, wake up." The boy heard from a low, but soft voice. He woke up to a male in front of him, skin as clear as daylight, eyes shining brighter than mirror reflecting the sun, hair blonde and fluffy, skin tone golden and glowing.

For a second, he thought he had died in his sleep after waking up to this angel, but jumped out of bed once he realized it was Chan.

"Sorry did I startle you?" He spoke in such a gentle voice. For a second Felix wanted to slap himself. Was he still dreaming? Why does this male look so perfect in the damn morning?

"Ah no, it's okay." He said as he got up from bed, rubbing his eyes then looking into the mirror on the wall.

God damn. The difference between him and Chan when they wake up is that Felix's hair is more all over the place, his eyes are droopy and his skin looks more pale then usual. He literally thought he was a dead skin cell but as a person for a minute.

That's when it hit him, it was morning and he didn't get to eat any rice cakes. He hopped out of bed and ran downstairs, only to see the time on the oven and find out that it was 9:35am.

1. fucking. hour. late.

Fuck the rice cakes. He ran upstairs and threw himself into the bathroom to brush his teeth, fix his hair, and wash his face. Fuck breakfast. He grabbed random clothes from the closet then grabbed his bag and threw on random white shoes.

He ended up wearing a black oversized hoodie and blue ripped jeans with white shoes. He flung out the door, leaving Chan behind confused until he realized that Felix was going to classes, that's when he ran after the boy.

"Felix!" He yelled out, Chan being the fast fucker he is looked like sonic while running, so when Felix looked back to see a damn race car coming at him he instantly screamed and started running faster, thinking Chan was out to eat him or something.

"9:42am and it's already chaotic as hell." A student complained from their dorm.

Felix ran into the elevator and started clicking buttons to go down but Chan ended up catching up to him and slid inside the elevator.



The two chanted each other's names at the same time, both of them completely out of breath. They took a minute to catch themselves before Felix finally spoke.

"Why did you chase me?" Felix asked, still panting a bit as if they just had a 90 minute pacer test.

"Today is Saturday." Chan replied, making the younger's jaw drop and stare at him with wide eyes. Now feeling embarrassed about the way he panicked and flew, he then stared at the ground not wanting to face the older.


The two were now sitting together along with Minho and Jisung, at a coffee shop. Felix mostly stayed silent after feeling embarrassed and awkward around Chan due to what happened earlier.

Why is that he always ends up embarrassing himself around Chan? Then Minho took notice of his silence, and decided to make conversation.

"I didn't know you two were close." Minho said before taking a sip of coffee.

"We're not, we're just dorm mates." At this, Minho spit out his coffee and started choking, leaving Felix and Chan confused and Jisung to panic and hurriedly pat his back. Felix just laughed at the dumbness of his brother.

"Yah Chan," He said as he wiped the coffee off of his mouth with a towel. "Don't you dare do anything to my brother." He continued, then Felix sat in silence before bursting into laughter from the sudden threat.

"What's so funny?" Minho said with a death stare at the younger sibling.

"What could I even do? I have a girlfriend." Chan said before taking a sip of his own coffee. Minho just sat back in his seat with a roll of eyes.

"Do you? Well I don't want you two being loud at night while I try sleeping." Felix said only to receive a glare from Chan. Felix is getting a lot of unfriendly stares today, huh.

"Is that how you thank me for being a good hyung, Felix?" Chan said as he rested his head on his hand to glance at Felix more properly.

Felix rolled his eyes. "Thanks I guess." And at this Chan just laughed. While Minho and Jisung on the other hand were eyeing the two back and forth.

Felix just shook his head as he finished his cup of hot choco, then stood up to go ask for a refill until he crashed into a female who was busy in her cell phone.

He looked down at the girl who was now sitting on the floor, luckily he ran out of hot choco so none spilled on her, but she seemed pretty hurt.

He instantly bent down to help her up as Minho, Chan, and Jisung ran towards him to make sure he was okay. However, Chan immediately stopped once he realized who the female is that Felix was now helping up.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded and bowed to him before looking around as she brushed her hair behind her ear, only to lock eyes with Chan.

They stood idle for a minute, staring into each other's eyes before a waiter came to clean up the glass. She bowed to Felix and the waiter before giving Chan one more glance and walking out of the cafe, which Minho noticed.

"Do you know her?" He asked, catching the attention of the older male.

"Oh, no I don't." He said while rummaging his hand through his hair, when really, he knew her more well than anyone.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now