4 - Dorm

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Felix exhaustedly walked over to his locker, where his three friends, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jisung stood after finishing 3 more periods.

The last 3 periods he had after chemistry were boring since no one he knew were there. Of course there were people who talked to him however he just felt unmotivated to talk to anyone after being scolded twice in only his first day.

He walked towards Jisung who was already holding his arms open for the younger. He tripped into the older's arms, entering a warm hug and receiving a pat on the back from both Seungmin and Jeongin who chuckled.

"It's okay Lixie~" Jisung said with a pout, the same pout he always does when he babies Felix. Felix on the other hand was far too tired to take in "it's okay".

He had got scolded twice on his first day, he wasn't familiar with the atmosphere or all the attention he kept getting, and for most of his periods he was alone.

There's another thing bothering him, Chan. It's not Chan that's bothering him, but it's what Chan knows that's bothering him, he kept wondering if Chan would tell everyone about the incidents he's been in, and if Chan knew he got detention that would be worse.

Even though Chan's already helped him a lot, he still just didn't feel so secure with Chan knowing about those accidents. Maybe it's because he's popular, a lot of popular students are jerks- then again he's met with Hyunjin and he's siblings with Minho who aren't jerks.

But Chan and Felix haven't known each other long, it's completely normal to feel insecure or not trusting around each other. He decided to stop thinking so much since it was stressing him out. He just waved to his friends and headed to detention.

Surprisingly, the room was completely empty. No students, no teachers. Anyone would be happy about this, but obviously it made Felix anxious since he was new and unfamiliar with the school.

He waited so long to attend this school and desired to go here so much just to receive such anxiety and scolding. Then again, his first days were for some reason always like this. Maybe it was just him.


"Aish, finally." Felix said as he stood from his seat, stretching. It was now 4:30pm, Felix had spent a whole hour in detention finishing up his homework and now he was finally able to leave since the hour was up.

He grabbed his bag and walked out of the room just to step into an empty hallway. But of course it's empty, school ended so now everyone was either in their dorms, outside, or the cafeteria.

He walked towards the office and slowly opened the door to meet eyes with the principal that was typing into a computer behind her desk. He greeted her by bowing his head slightly and walking up to her desk.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Just from the way she spoke, Felix instantly knew she was a nice woman.

"I'm here to get my dorm key." He replied. She nodded and reached under the desk to pull out gold keys then handed them over to him. He smiled and took them then put them inside his bag.

"Don't forget, curfew is at 12am." She said. Curfew at 12am? Not bad. Of course the curfew is so late because they're college students and not babies, but just the sound of it made Felix excited. He bowed to her before walking out the room and looking around for the staircase to the dorms.

He approached an elevator instead and went inside, then found a button that read "5th floor." He looked at his key and saw "5th floor" written on it as well, so he pressed the button and the elevator went up.

Once he reached the floor, the door opened to a loud "ding" and his eyes widened. He slowly walked into the hallway that had many windows going down it as the bright sun shined through it. It was a very beautiful sight to him.

He ran through the hallway while laughing and looking around with bright eyes, making a lot of noise while forgetting that there were other students there. He chanted out of excitement before jumping from surprise as a student aggressively threw their door open.

"Keep it down will you?" He shouted before slamming his door. Felix just giggled and ran down the hallway again, this time without making any sound. He stopped by a room that looked familiar to him. Then it hit him.

"Ah, didn't Minho and Jisung take a photo at this door? This must be their dorm." He said as he hit his fist in his palm. He then excitedly knocked onto the door, and it turns out he was right. "Hyung!" He yelled as he jumped onto Minho, who opened the door.

"Ack, Felix!" Minho shouted as Felix climbed onto him, then hanging onto him with his arms wrapped around Minho's neck and his legs wrapped around his waist, like a koala.

Minho just shook his head and rolled his eyes then proceeded to close the door and walk into the living room of his and Jisung's dorm, hoping Felix would hop off him to view the room. Yet Felix stayed clinging onto him.

That is, until Jisung walked in. When he came in, Felix ran to him and started clinging like a koala again, making both Minho and Jisung laugh.

"You seem better." Jisung said as he patted Felix's head, earning a giggle from the younger. He walked into the kitchen with Felix still hanging onto him to grab some crackers.

Felix then got off finally to check their cabinet for rice cakes. Jisung just smiled and pulled out a pack of rice cakes for the younger.

Felix instantly grabbed them and thanked Jisung then ran out the dorm, leaving Minho and Jisung confused. He ran towards his dorm as he read the number on his key and held tightly onto the rice cakes.

He jumped and smiled of excitement as he reached the door, already excited about meeting his dorm mate. What if it was Seungmin, Hyunjin, or Jeongin? Who knows.

He then entered the key but ended up putting it in wrong, so he tried entering it the other way around and it still wouldn't go in.

"This is the dorm right?" He said as he flipped the key upside down to see if he was reading the numbers wrong, then he flipped it back up normally and looked up at the dorm number to see that he wasn't reading it wrong.

He pouted as he tried entering it again, then other ways too but it still wouldn't go in. He groaned and put the key into his pocket, hoping that his dorm mate was in the room as he lifted his fist up to knock. But before he was able to knock, the door opened and he was met by none other than-


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