7 - Skirt

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Felix was now standing idle in shock by the sight of a female staring at him with wide eyes. The same female he had bumped into at a cafe. If it was anyone, he wouldn't care. But because he had already saw this girl, and she had already seen him, he was quiet embarrassed.

He immediately snapped out of shock as he remembered he had to go to Minho and Jisung, deciding to forget all about the girl until she spoke.

"Aren't you the guy from the cafe?" She said as she pointed towards him. Felix looked up from his phone then turned around to both sides as it he was looking for someone, acting oblivious to the fact that she was pointing to him, then turned to her to see she was still looking at him. He just slowly nodded with an awkward smile.

"And...is that a skirt?" She asked as she focused her attention to his outfit while pointing her finger down as well, then she looked back up at Felix, who rubbed the back of his neck and nodded, and at this, she smiled widely.

"It's really cute, where did you get it?" She asked. Felix looked at her only to see that she was now staring at him with bright puppy-like eyes, which made him smile.

"There's a local store here under the name "Sunset Angle."" She jumped of excitement and then ran to him with her phone in her hand.

"You look really good in it. Here, i'm Yuri." She said as she held out her phone. Felix then took it, obviously knowing that she was telling him to dial his phone number, which he did do so.

Surprisingly, she didn't think he was disgusting for wearing a skirt, but instead she complimented him and looked really happy about it which gave him butterflies.

"Felix, Lee Felix." He said with a bow.

"Ah, are you foreign?"

"Yeah, Australian." They smiled together for a bit before she took out her phone to look at the time, then immediately bowed to him before running off as she had somewhere important to be. Same with Felix, he ran to go find Minho and Jisung.


"She sounds nice." Jisung said before taking a sip of his milkshake. The three, Felix, Minho, and Jisung were now at the cafe again, talking and enjoying breakfast together as Felix ranted and ranted about the girl, Yuri, he had met earlier as if he just met his future wife or something.

"She was really nice, she even gave her contact info." Felix chanted out with a big smile. But it wasn't much of a surprise that he was so happy about it. The first time he decided to wear a skirt he was judged everywhere by everyone, with eyes and words.

After that he never wore a skirt around people he knew, except Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin, who didn't mind if he wore things like this. He didn't care about stares and judging words from people he didn't know, but if it was someone he did know, he'd be very cautious about it.

Felix wondered why men couldn't wear skirts when it's literally just a piece of fabric, he likes the way it flaps around and the pretty designs, but the only time men can admire it is if a woman wears it and not them? Bullshit.

"She's right though, it does look really pretty on you." Minho said, making Felix giggle and flap his skirt around.

"Maybe I should wear one too." Jisung said, liking the idea of spinning around and jumping up and down with Felix in skirts, or maybe even long dresses. Also to get a compliment from Minho.

They all talked more and more, laughing and eating together before Felix finally got up to go pay since it was now his turn.

The three made an agreement that whenever they went out, they would take turns for who would pay. First it would be Minho since he's the oldest, then Felix, then Jisung.

Felix felt a bunch of stares on him, which he just brushed off since it was expected and because ever since he's been in Korea, he's gotten a lot of attention, both negative and positive.

However what he wasn't aware of was how well the perverted stare and dirty thoughts of one male blended in with the negative stares and hateful thoughts of other people in the cafe.

"I'm done!" He shouted as he skipped towards the couple who were now standing up to head out the door. They all walked out, causing the attention of everyone to shift from Felix back to their food and drinks.

As soon as the three exited, one male stood from his seat and payed the cashier, then headed out as well, pulling a hood over his head before smirking.


"Are you gonna be ok?" Jisung asked as he and Minho both stood in the doorway of the tall building that led to the dorms.

"I'll be ok, bye now!" Felix said excitedly as he waved to his brother and best friend goodbye.

He was on his way to go shopping for some more clothes since he was running out, he would've went with Jisung but decided to go alone since Minho was tired and needed someone to be with. The couple waved back at him before heading into the building.

Felix skipped in excitement across the bridge that led to a bus stop, breathing in the fresh air as the moon rose, turning that bright and blue sky into a dark, but beautiful night.

Taking night walks is Felix's favorite things to do, especially when in a busy area because there'd be so many lights shining. It was a scene that made all his nerves calm down and let him feel free.

He finally made it to the mall, running around from one shop to another as if he wasn't on a budget. He had bought more than he thought he would, instead of just clothes he got jewelry, shoes, hair supplies, facial care products, snacks, and so on.

"I should share some snacks with Chan." He said, then wondering why he hasn't seen Chan all day. Well, Chan probably did go back to the dorm but of course Felix wouldn't know since he was out all day.

Suddenly, he started wishing that Chan took him to the mall instead as he worried about how he would get back to the dorms if he spent so much money. So he decided to put the shoes back since they were literally 200 USD, and then headed out the mall after paying.

He took a seat at a bus stop, putting down all the bags he had from different stores to look inside them and eat a churro he had bought.
Now that he thought about it, he should've got some rice cakes too. The bus finally came to where he was, so he put the churro in his mouth and held it.

He picked up all his bags and headed inside the bus. He sat down at an empty seat and took the window spot, then stared out the window, smiling as he couldn't wait to get back to his warm, cozy dorm.


"Aish finally." He said as the bus reached his destination. He picked up his bags and headed out the bus, bowing to the bus driver as a "thank you".

He walked towards the building that he stood at earlier to greet both Minho and Jisung off, then took out his key before heading inside the building.

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