24 - Flutter

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"Gosh...i'm so wasted." Felix pouted as he sat in the bathtub full of water to wash off the smell of alcohol all over him. He scrubbed his legs with soap in annoyance while recalling what happened the night before.


"JISUNG I SWEAR" Felix yelled to Jisung who wouldn't stop chasing him around with an egg. Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jisung were all running around like dogs without leashes from the amount of alcohol they just had. Jeongin knew he was the one who proposed the idea of drinking in the first place, but he seriously regretted it.

He was the only one who wasn't wasted, therefore he was left with no other choice except to watch after his hyungs. It was moments like this where he felt as if he was the oldest instead of the youngest.

"HAN!!!" Felix yelled to the top of his lungs. Jisung threw the egg over the counter and it landed right on Felix's head, causing him, the counter, and the floor to get messy. Seungmin and Jisung burst into laughter while Jeongin just sighed.

"You children." The one who is supposed to be the youngest, said to himself before eating the pocky in three again and scrolling through instagram as if nothing just happened.

Felix fell to the ground and started fake crying.
"I dyed my hair and now theres yolk on it. What if I go baaaald" He whined.

"Idiot, you cant go-" The blue haired boy was cut off then by Felix's crying becoming louder and louder, making him roll his eyes. Jeongin huffed and grabbed his headphones, at this rate he wanted to slap himself for even considering drinking.

<End of flashback>

So long story short, he got drunk. He also fell asleep while being covered in yolk, right after he cried over the drunk possibility that he would go bald. It was quite the night.

He finally rinsed off his body and hopped out of the tub, then hurriedly put on his clothes. He wanted to get back to his dorm before Chan woke up so that he wouldn't get worried about him.

Felix ran downstairs and drank up the hangover soup he got for himself, then put on his shoes to head out the dorm. He was in such a rush that he forgot all about Seungmin and Jisung who were still hungover, which came to his realization as he was tying his shoe laces.

He turned to see the two peacefully sleeping on the couch, and Jeongin was sober enough so he was alright as well. Felix then smiled and decided to make some more hangover soup for them as they were completely asleep. Taking care of some friends won't hurt.

He then went back to the front door after putting the soup in two empty bottles for Seungmin and Jisung, but turned to face them one more time once he reached the door. He glared with a pout before he stuck out his tongue at Jisung for spilling yolk on him, mentally cursing the boy.

"Be lucky that I love you, you idiot." Felix said with a roll of eyes before swinging open the door and running out the dorm.

He ran to his own dorm and excitedly knocked on the door. He was happy that he could finally see Chan, they were only apart for a day yet Felix missed him so much. He was quite too happy that he forgot all about the fact that Chan was sleeping. Then he realized at the last minute.

The door swung open and Felix was dragged inside the dorm, only to hear the door being shut and locked behind him. He turned to look over at Chan, but before he could even get a glance, the blonde pinned him to the door, not even giving him a chance to take off his shoes.

"Chan?" Felix looked at the male with wide eyes. He didn't know if Chan was mad at him or what, however he couldn't stop blushing. His heart rate picked up when Chan made eye contact with him, and slowly started coming closer to the younger male's face.

Felix closed his eyes tightly as the older came closer and closer. Then, he stopped. Felix slowly opened his eyes to see Chan smirking at him.

Felix pouted. "You idiot, what's that about?" He complained before taking off his shoes and storming off. Chan chuckled and followed after the boy who flopped on the couch.

"I missed you, baby" Chan whispered to him. Felix felt like melting right then and there. Chan knows exactly how to make Felix's heart flutter, and that's what Felix hates so much, but he also loves it.

"Whatever just shut up." Felix huffed as he lightly pushed Chan away. Clearly he missed Chan too, but obviously he wouldn't admit it.

"That hurt Felix. If you kiss me, i'll feel better." He continued teasing as he got closer to Felix, giving him puppy eyes and pouting.

"You know you would've gotten a kiss at the doorway if you didn't fool me you idiot" The younger replied before turning his face away from the other. Chan then dropped the cute act and raised a brow at the purple-haired boy, smirking at him.

"Felix, did you want me to kiss you?" He asked, and at this, Felix turned to him with wide eyes. Felix did in fact want Chan to kiss him, but the thought of it made him blush deeply, even though they had already kissed. He was far too flustered to even respond.

"Do you understand the question?" The older asked, but this time he was more serious, which sent shivers up Felix's spine. He had no idea why he was so nervous about kissing his boyfriend, but what he did know is that he couldn't manage to speak or calm his heart down.

Chan sighed and impatiently pushed Felix to lay down on the couch, then hovered on top of him to give him a serious look. And at this rate, Felix was screaming on the inside.

"Chan?" He managed to say.

"So you do speak." Chan smiled, and Felix then felt his face burning up. He had never felt this way. He's only ever dated women, so he was always the one to lead. But in this moment, he was the one being led.

He couldn't even find the right words to say, so he decided not to say anything at all. Instead, he just went in for the kiss, completely catching Chan off guard.

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