27 - Genuinely

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Felix opened the door to his dorm as quietly as he could, with his master plan to surprise Chan. Just like he expected, Chan was at his desk on his computer, working on things.

Felix pouted a bit at the sight, Chan was always working so hard. But that's why Felix is here for him. He closed the door without making a noise, then slipped off his shoes. He tip toed towards the blonde male, and lifted his arms slowly. Then, he hugged him tightly, catching the other off guard.

"I missed you too, baby." Chan smiled, hugging the younger one back. He then roamed his eyes towards Felix's hand, to see a stack of money in it and a note.

"Is this from the modeling?" He asked, and Felix nodded. He grabbed Felix's hand gently to take a look at the note. Felix bit his lip in anticipation for Chan's reaction towards it. Chan nodded and handed the note back to him.

"Do you want to do it?" He asked and Felix nodded eagerly.

"Then do it." Chan replied before going back to sitting down and focusing on his work. Felix looked over at the male with concern, it seems like his mood just changed.

"Are you alright with it?" Felix asked.

"Of course I am. I'm just worried." Chan sighed. Felix smiled and moved the chair that Chan was sitting in, back away from the desk. Then he sat on Chan's lap and wrapped his arm around him, earning a blush from the blonde.

"I'll be fine Channie. I'm all yours, you know." He reassured as he rested his head on Chan's shoulder, and Chan smiled in return. Now that Felix has both Chan and Minho's approval of modeling, he was willing to accept Mr.Jeong's proposal.


Felix rummaged through his schedule for modeling. He had accepted the proposal after his conversation last night with Chan, and now he's set to model on Monday, which is 3 days away. For his first day, he didn't have much to do except model in 2 different outfits. Which was good enough for him.

He smiled before placing the schedule back in his bag and continued walking to the cafeteria as it was lunch time, until he was met by Yuri.

"Yuri!" He said excitedly, and she greeted him back with excitement as well. He went to hug her, but as the two wrapped their arms around each other, he could only think about Chan. Every time he approached Yuri, he just felt guilty, and he couldn't bear that feeling anymore.

He felt like he needed to tell her. After all, they are supposed to be friends. They released their arms from each other, and Felix looked at her for a bit before speaking. But as he opened his mouth, she already beat him to it.


"Hm?" He looked at her with an eyebrow raise. Seems like they both had something on their minds that needed to be bought to each other's attention.

"Can we have lunch together...at a cafe?" She asked in a mixture of what seemed like seriousness but also nervousness. He just nodded, and just like that, the two headed out the building to the local cafe.


"Thank you." Felix said as a waiter came and served the coffee he ordered. He didn't think much of this moment, except the fact that he had something he personally wanted to let Yuri know.

The worst part about it was that Yuri and Felix never had lunch together. On their first time eating together, Felix would confess something that could hurt her, and the thought of that made him wish she never told him about her crush in the first place.

But Yuri also had confessions to make herself. It's not like she was ever a good person to begin with if her intentions were to make Felix feel twice as bad.

"This place has a nice atmosphere, doesn't it?" She said with a smile. Felix looked up to see her staring around at the place with awe in her eyes, then looked back down at his cup of coffee to view his own reflection.

He couldn't believe he was really about to ruin the happiness written in her face. Then she took notice of Felix's current state, and glared at him before sipping her own coffee.

The two didn't say much for the first 6 minutes they were there. It was far too awkward and Felix couldn't help his gloomy mood. But even so, he still wanted to admit everything to her. Keeping back this secret would only make him feel like more of a bad guy.

Yuri on the other hand had plans for herself. She was ready enough to admit what she felt the need to, she just needed the right time to do so. She didn't care about being a bad person or not.

"I always come to this coffee whenever I feel upset. And because you mean so much to me, I decided to bring you with me." She continued to push him further into guilt, and he was too busy with his head down to see the obvious smirk painted across her face. The smirk that she wore, as she acknowledged the fact that she was putting him down.



He hesitated for a minute, then looked up at her straight in her eyes.

"Do you...like the coffee?" He asked. He seriously couldn't stand himself when it came to moments like these. Instead of saying what he needed to, he asked her about coffee. Way to go Felix. However she just nodded, and he sighed in somewhat of relief, which she noticed.

"Felix. Are you ok?" He couldn't even nod to her from the question, because he'd be lying. Of course he wasn't ok, and he was tired of lying to her. He finally got sick of his hesitation and shifted in his seat to face her more seriously this time.

"Yuri I-"

"I know." She cut him off, and he raised an eyebrow.

"You're dating Chan? I know that".

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