11 - Crush

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Felix tuned around to someone calling out his name, but before he could even turn completely he fell to the ground after a big hug from his friend, Yuri.

"Ack! Y-Yuri..I missed you too." He laughed. She stood up and helped him up, then they dusted themselves off.

"Are they a couple?" Someone whispered. That's a new one. Felix just laughed and wrapped his arm around Yuri who laughed with him.

The two headed to the elevator and Felix clicked onto a button that read "4" because that's where Yuri's dorm is, until she hurriedly clicked onto "5", leaving Felix confused.

"I wanna see what your dorm is like." She said. Felix nodded, allowing her to come along with him. He didn't know if Chan was there or not, but he was sure that Chan wouldn't mind, obviously unknown to the fact that the two already know each other.

They reached the 5th floor and finally made it to the dorm. Felix took out his key and unlocked the door. They walked in and took off their shoes, and immediately, Yuri ran into the living room.

"Dude you have a balcony?" She asked as she pointed to the screen door. He nodded and she ran over, opening the door but immediately running back in after getting a feel of how cold it was outside, earning a laugh from Felix.

"Want anything to eat?" Felix asked as he headed over to the kitchen. Yuri looked around for a bit, admiring the size and how clean the dorm was, then she finally took off her jacket and hung it up to go and meet Felix in the kitchen.

"Do you have any rice cakes?" And to her response, Felix opened a cabinet, making a bunch of packs of rice cakes fell out. She didn't even question it, she knew that Felix was in love with rice cakes so it pretty much makes sense.

"We call this, the Felix cabinet because I love rice cakes a lot." He said jokingly. She laughed and walked over to grab a pack, one thing the two have in common is that they're both a sucker for rice cakes, it's probably why they get along so well.

The two laughed together while eating rice cakes until Chan came down. Felix, out of excitement, immediately ran towards the male and grabbed his hand to bring him to the kitchen.

When they made it back to where Yuri was standing, both Yuri and Chan froze in their place, locking eyes with each other as Felix introduced them to each other, obviously not knowing a thing.

"Why are you here?" Chan said as his expression drastically changed, now he was staring at Yuri with cold eyes, and the tone he spoke in was completely different from the tone he used to speak to Felix, the duality was scary. Both Felix and Yuri got cold feet for a second.

"Felix invited me." She replied before taking another bite into the rice cake. Felix looked over to Chan who just sighed and took a rice cake for himself before going back up to his room.

"Do you two know each other?" Felix questioned as he was now looking at Yuri. He didn't know why Chan looked at Yuri with such cold eyes, maybe something happened between them before, making him question if they were already associated with each other before.

"Yeah, we were friends in middle school." Of course Yuri wouldn't just tell Felix that Chan was her ex, he probably would've asked why they broke up, which she didn't want to talk about, but there's another thing.

Yuri still has feelings for Chan. So to find out that he was staying with Felix, a friend of hers, is a golden opportunity that she wouldn't miss.

"I um..." She started, getting a curious facial expression from Felix along with head tilt. "...I have a crush on him." She continued.

Felix immediately jumped out of excitement, dropping his rice cake and running towards her. Of course many people have a crush on Chan, he's nice, handsome, and gentle, but to see his friend crushing on someone made him happy.

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