2 - Second Encounter

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"Never mind, it's really bad." Felix complained. "Where's Minho hyung when you need him?" He was now practicing "New face" by PSY along with the rest of his class, a dance that he just can't pin down which frustrated him.

If there's anyone who loves dancing a lot, Felix loves it more than them, and because of that, he hated when he wasn't able to pin down steps or they were too fast for him.

When he started dancing at a young age, he didn't take it seriously so he didn't care about hard and easy choreographies. But now that he dances a lot, he cares not only about hard and easy moves, but his posture and view as well.

"Minho?" A guy next to him asked. Felix looked over to the male who looked back at him while continuing to stretch in a position from the choreography.

The male was tall, he had blonde, longe hair with pink lips, and skin as clear as the camera of a new phone, even his eyebrows looked perfect. He looked like such a prince, not to mention how easy he made the dancing look as he effortlessly did every move without even groaning.

"O-Oh..yeah, Lee Minho." Felix replied, again mentally cursing himself for stuttering. But what can you say? The guy looked so elegant, it caught Felix off guard when he spoke to him.

"You know him already?" The guy asked. To this, Felix tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what he meant by "already."

You see, Minho never talked to Felix about his experience here in the school so Felix just brushed it off, but the way the blonde boy next to him made it seem like Minho was some sort of celebrity made his curiosity do wonders.

"Yeah, he's my brother." Felix giggled. The boy next to him made an "oh" look on his face while nodding at the same time. Felix, still curious, looked at the boy who got out of his position and drank water as the teacher told everyone to take a break.

"That explains your good looks." The guy said, making Felix laugh. This guy looked like a whole damn goddess, how could he compliment me when he's as ethereal as that? Is exactly what ran through Felix's mind.

"No way, you're prettier." Felix said with a smile as he also took a sip of water and sat next to the boy on the bench. Even when he sat down he looked pretty, being complimented by this kind of male made Felix's confidence go up.

"People are still staring at you and calling you handsome though." The male said, laughing as the other playfully rolled his eyes, being pretty sure that they were actually staring at the taller one.

"I'm Hyunjin." He introduced himself.

"Felix, Lee Felix. I mean that's probably already known." The two laughed together, both getting that he was referring to being Minho's brother. Hyunjin then looked over to Felix as his eyes wondered over to a note he was holding.

"You got detention?" Hyunjin asked. At this, Felix just awkwardly laughed again. He had waited so long to attend this school just to get detention on his first day, his first.

He felt like it was well deserved but also felt like the teacher should've been a bit less strict on him since he's new, especially because she didn't say anything to his apology and just gave him detention.

"It's only your first day." Hyunjin laughed. Felix softly hit him in the arm and rolled his eyes.

"I know, it sucks." He replied before putting the water bottle at his mouth and going to take a sip until he saw Minho enter the room.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now