19 - Mall

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"Did you know Mi-rae is holding a party tomorrow?" Jisung asked as he was laying down on the floor, scrolling through instagram. He, Seungmin, Jeongin and Felix were all in the Aussie's dorm, eating, chatting, and watching TV while Chan was out at a mall.

"I'll go." Felix said before throwing a piece of popcorn up in the air and catching it with his mouth, then he started cheering for catching it perfectly while Seungmin and Jisung laughed. Jeongin on the other hand was quite unsure about going to the party.

He knew that if it was Mi-rae's party, then Yuri would most definitely be there. He really didn't want Felix anywhere near her since he's the only one who knows the truth about her.

But of course he wouldn't just gate-keep his friend and stop him from partying, so he decided he would go as well to look out for Felix. Seungmin and Jisung also agreed to going.

"If I knew sooner I would have went to the mall with Chan for some clothes." Jisung said before attempting to catch popcorn with his mouth like Felix did, but failed.

"We can go to where he is now then." Seungmin said, and Felix immediately sat up with blush already spread all over his face.

"I don't want him to see the outfits we'll get yet, so let's go to a different mall." The others all laughed, knowing exactly why Felix wanted Chan to see his outfit at the party. They agreed, and just like that, they all gathered their things to head to the mall.


"It's huge in here." Jeongin said while observing the mall from every direction. It's been a while since all four of them hung out together, so once they arrived, they were already excited.

They went to every store that caught their eye, and bought whatever they saw, not caring about the price. Then they also bought other things like new shoes and facial products, deciding that they should get these things now since they're already at the mall.

Then they took turns choosing out stores to enter, and all found things they like such as jewelry, more clothes and etc. Then they came across a salon, which Jeongin likes a lot. He ran in, and the rest ran in after him.

They all looked around, the salon was far more bigger than the other stores in the mall. Felix walked over to all the jewelry he found and looked around to make sure no staffs were looking, then sneaked some in his bag before skipping around innocently like nothing happened.

They were already buying so many things, getting something free wouldn't hurt. However Jeongin noticed it, and giggled to himself before going back to looking around. This man literally has a camera eye.

Everyone was just taking a look around the salon, getting massages, hair dyes, and bathing in hot water. They enjoyed hanging out like this, because they weren't able to do so for a while since they were so busy with school and everything else.


They finally left the salon, all sighing from relaxation and checking out their new hair colors. Jisung dyed his hair blue, Jeongin did brown, Seungmin did black, and Felix got his hair purple.

However Felix was sobbing on the inside as he already missed his blonde hair, especially because he and Chan were matching hair colors before. He then thought about being able to persuade Chan to dye his hair purple, then shook his head and laughed at the thought.

They all sat down on a bench, now chilling from all the care they just got from the salon until Jeongin's stomach started to rumble.

"Hyungs, i'm hungry~" He said in the babiest voice ever with a pout, that made them all want to melt right then and there.

They played rock paper scissors to see who would buy corn dogs for them, and as both unexpected and expected, Jisung lost.

He complained as he stood up to take out his wallet, then went over to the food isle. The rest laughed at his defeat and sat back in the massaging chairs.

He then came back and lifted the hotdogs at them, acting as if he was threatening to throw the hotdogs at them, and they all flinched making him burst out in laughter.

"You dumb sonic bitch." Felix said before taking a corndog and stuffing it in his mouth, making the maknaes burst in laughter and Jisung started patting his head while pouting.

"I hope you choke on your corndog." Felix just laughed to himself, Jisung always jokingly told him to choke on his food whenever he made the older mad, and he found it funny.

For the rest of their time at the mall, they just ate food and joked with each other, enjoying their time as much as they could before it was finally time to go.


"Awh I don't wanna go~" Jisung complained while he and the maknaes all huggd Felix while pouting and whining. For a second Felix felt like some sort of babysitter and forgot that Jisung was the oldest. Well, Felix could be the oldest due to the timezones between Korea and Australia, who knows.

"Yeah, yeah. But you have to go~" Felix replied, mocking Jisung's tone.

"We get it, you wanna be alone with Channie~" Seungmin said mischievously, and the three all backed away and started going "oooh~", making Felix roll his eyes.

"Whatever whores, just go to sleep." He said as he waved goodbye to the three, they waved back and laughed before heading to their dorms, as well as Felix.

He stood up at his dorm, hesitating to knock, which he didn't even know why. He didn't know if it was because he hasn't seen Chan all day long, or what that was making him anxious. But before he could even knock, Chan opened the door, just like the way he did the first time Felix stepped foot into this dorm.

"Come in." He said, but Felix was too frozen to even blink at the sight he was witnessing. There Chan was, standing in the doorway glancing down at the younger with a stare that made him feel butterflies.

He was sweaty, his hair was messy, he had headphones in, wearing typical sweatpants. All while being...shirtless.

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