15 - Over

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"Felix." Chan called gently. Felix groaned and rolled over in bed, not wanting to wake up. It was a Friday and he had no plans to be on time to school at all. Chan sighed before walking over to the window, then opening the windows making Felix groan louder.

He finally got up and rubbed his eyes while yawning, then the older male walked to him and reached out his hand to help the younger one. He rolled his eyes and grabbed Chan's hand to stand, then headed to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

"Channie I wanna go back to sleep." He said before plopping back down on bed after brushing his teeth. Chan sighed before picking Felix up and sitting him down on the chair.

He grabbed some rice cakes and cooked them, the served them to Felix who instantly woke up after the familiar scent of them, making Chan laugh.

After eating rice cakes, Felix decided he would finally go change. He went back to the room and picked out a pink sweater with sleeves that went over his hand and some light blue jean skirt overalls, with stockings that reached the knee this time. He put on his favorite baby chick backpack before running back downstairs to Chan.

Chan smiled at him and patted his head, making the younger boy giggle before he slipped on some white shoes. He then stood back up after tying them to look at Chan, who eyed him from head to toe, making Felix shiver a bit from nervousness.

"Pretty." Chan said before unlocking the door, making Felix blush. He walked out the door along with Felix to finally head onto school.

Then, just as the two were about to head down inside the elevator, they were met by Yuri who ran inside with them. She squeezed herself in between the two, separating them and making the atmosphere a bit awkward. Felix just moved a bit for her, knowing that she really was trying to be next to Chan.

She looked over at him, then noticed that he was holding tightly onto his left arm while looking down.

But what really caught her attention is the flushed pink cheeks of his, and it most definitely wasn't makeup. She looked up over at Chan who just scrolled through his phone while listening to something with his headphones plugged in.

Yuri sighed, not understanding why Felix was blushing, then it clicked. He was blushing for Chan. She wanted to believe that it wasn't true, until then she looked back over at him to see him gazing at Chan. She widened her eyes after the realization, but just kept her mouth shut for the rest of the transportation.


"What period do you have first?" Chan asked as he and Felix walked down the hallways beside each other to head to their lockers since Yuri already left to go to classes.

"Dance." Felix replied, he and Chan made it at the lockers finally, so they both put their things away in the lockers. The time was now 8:32, meaning that they were now 2 minutes late, but because it was a Friday, they didn't even care.

"You're gonna dance in a skirt?" Chan asked before putting a book in his locker, then slamming the locker shut as he only kept the materials he needed for his first period with him. It's not like Chan was telling Felix he shouldn't dance in a skirt just because, but he didn't want any perverts looking at Felix again.

"Yeah, don't worry i'll be fine. Both Hyunjin and Minho have dance as well so if something happens they'll look after me." Felix reassured, smiling before patting his back and walking off. Chan forgot that both Felix and Minho had dance period, but he was sure glad they did.

However there's something he was curious about, and it was why his heart suddenly fluttered at Felix's smile and the pat he gave on Chan's back before walking off.

"Aish finally." Felix said as he dropped his things down on the bench. He didn't even mind that all eyes were on him now, not because he was wearing a skirt, but because he was late and seemed to not be aware.

But we was surely aware, he just didn't care. He walked over to the students who went back to dancing after seeing him come over.

The song they were dancing to was NCT U's "90's Love". A song that Felix loves so much and use to dance to a lot. Without hesitation, he started breaking down to the chorus, and once again, all eyes were on him.

He moved his body fast along with his feet, all without slipping or feeling stiff because of his outfit that's really not for dancing. Everyone started off really mesmerized, then slowly started to hype him up, making him dance even more to their liking.

Soon, the whole room was hyping Felix up, all yelling "go! go! go! go!" He smiled and laughed as he danced along to the beat perfectly, matching the song's energy and enjoying the energy he caused in class.

He really felt like he was enjoying himself, all while Hyunjin and Minho watched him proudly.

Yuri walked down the stairs with her friend Mi-rae while laughing and chatting until the two heard a bunch of chants, stopping them in their tracks as they continued listening to hear that 90's Love was playing.

They walked towards the room in curiosity and to their surprise, they saw Felix killing every beat and move while everyone stood around him, hyping him up. Even the teacher was there enjoying it all.

"Oh look! It's that guy again!" She said as she pointed Felix out to Yuri, referring to the time she and Felix sang a love song about her and Chan in the cafeteria.

Yuri then started feeling insanely jealous. She crossed her arms and huffed then walked off, Mi-rae noticed and started to walk away with her.

Mi-rae turned to Yuri who looked really annoyed for some reason. Not only was Felix really close with Chan, but he was also close with a whole bunch of students in their school, its even safe to say that Felix is now really popular. Yuri rolled her eyes, she didn't understand why a foreigner was more popular than she was and had what she wanted.

She thought she was friends with Felix and that she liked him a lot as a friend, but that changed after today.

Yuri hated Felix now. Not only because she was jealous of him, but because she felt like he had a crush on Chan even after he said he would help her and looked really excited the day she told him.

Yuri wanted the friendship to be over. But first, she decided to have some fun by taking a bit revenge.

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