20 - Heartbeat

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Felix was now blushing deeply, here he was standing at the entrance inside of his dorm, not moving an inch, he only took off his shoes.

He was watching as Chan continued working out, he was sweating, his hair was messy, and he was shirtless, the sight was something that no one could resist at all.

The slight groans that Chan let out as he reached his 50th pushup wasn't making Felix's pounding heart better at all.

The male stopped at 57 pushups, and Felix was literally screaming on the inside. He then watched as the blonde male sat up with a long sigh.

"Felix, can you go get me some water?" The older asked in a breathy voice, and Felix immediately nodded, dropping the bags and running to the kitchen.

He flung open the refrigerator door and grabbed a cold bottle of water. He ran over to Chan and threw it next to him, then ran back over to the entrance of the door, leaving Chan confused, but he also let out a small laugh from how cute the younger looked.

Meanwhile Felix was trying to keep his distance away from this hot ass male, he knew he wouldn't be able to function well if he didn't. And his heart only picked up it's pace as Chan looked over and eyed Felix from head to toe.

"Your hair looks cool." He said before taking another sip of his water, and Felix was praying that he didn't stutter in his response to Chan.

"T-thank you." He stuttered anyway, and now he was on the verge of exploding, his face only turned redder from embarrassment, which Chan noticed and started to laugh.

"What are you so nervous about? Come here." Chan said as he walked over to the couch to put a shirt on. Felix felt himself about to die right on the spot.

He slowly walked over to Chan, and the older pulled him down and sat the younger down on his lap. Yep. He's dead. His soul has now left his body.

"What are y-you doing..?" He couldn't even talk properly now, because not only was he stuttering, but he was pronouncing his words wrong even though he was speaking in English now. Chan laughed again before hugging him.

"I'm cuddling you, we always cuddle don't we?" He said as he pulled Felix closer. Felix couldn't even answer, he was now a dead body walking. The two cuddled for a bit, and Chan was starting to fall asleep, but Felix didn't want him to so he instantly brung up a topic.

"Oh Channie hyung!" He said excitedly, like he just came back to life. The older looked up at him to see him smiling brightly.

"There's a party i'm going to tomorrow, wanna come?" Felix asked, and Chan nodded without hesitation. It's been so long since the accident Felix got into with Jaehyun, and he was now arrested, but Chan still felt anxious with leaving Felix to go places without him.

He then laid his head back on Felix's shoulder, and the younger just smiled and patted his head as he finally gave into sleeping. And again, they fell asleep while cuddling on the couch.


"Here you go." Chan said while serving a plate of pancakes and bacon that he made, to Felix. Felix smiled at him while also blushing as he accepted the plate.

Not only is Chan very gentle, sweet, helpful, and handsome, but he's also a good cook. Felix was once again cursing at the male inside his head for being so damn perfect.

The two ate breakfast in peace then Chan went to go shower while Felix just sat on the couch scrolling through instagram. He then saw Mi-rae's post about the party she's holding at night, and panicked as he stood up to go look in his bag for some clothes to wear tonight.

"How the hell did I forget about it?" He said to himself as he hurriedly rushed through his bags of clothes.

He really didn't know why he was rushing when it was 9:15am and the party's at 8:00pm, maybe he just wanted to hurry and get his clothes out while Chan wasn't watching.

He picked out some shoes, jewelry, and the shirt and pants that he would wear, then put everything back in his bag before getting up to go continue scrolling on his phone.


"Innie, which flavor do you want?" Seungmin asked, facing the younger boy while waiting for a response. The two were at an ice cream shop even though it was a bit cold outside. Jeongin wanted ice cream so here they are, now getting cold food in 50° weather.

Jeongin pointed to the chocolate ice cream, and Seungmin smirked to himself, he assumed Jeongin would pick this flavor and he was right.

He bought the ice cream and handed it to the younger, who thanked him. They headed over to a table, and while Seungmin had a cup of ice cream, and Jeongin with a cone of ice cream.

There were other pastries too that the two looked at, but they decided not to get anything more than ice cream since they were going to a party and didn't want stomach aches.

Jeongin licked the chocolate flavored ice cream from his cone and immediately shivered, making Seungmin laugh. Jeongin just smiled at the boy, he was happy to hang out with his hyung this way. The best part about it was that Seungmin even offered to pay.

The two enjoyed their cold sweets, and as Jeongin was almost finished with his ice cream, the door to the shop opened and both of them turned their heads, their eyes then laid on a girl walking in with a familiar face of a guy. This girl was no other than Yuri and...Do Young?

The two both faced their heads another direction, not wanting the male who walked in with Yuri to notice them.

Both Seungmin and Jeongin despise Do-Young, and this is because Do-Young hated Felix for absolutely no reason and always bullied him. Felix ranted to the two about him every single day, crying about how he wishes Do-Young would just go away, and they felt terrible about it.

But because Do-Young and Felix were in Australia, they weren't able to defend him. The only thing they could do was message Do-Young on instagram, so of course he would recognize their faces.

They had no regrets about sticking up for Felix at all, but what they were confused about was why the hell Yuri was suddenly with them, if she's friends with Felix then she most definitely knows about his and the male's relationship.

Jeongin wasn't even surprised, he knew what Yuri was getting at, while Seungmin is just starting to find out.

They both were afraid of something happening to Felix, but because Felix looked so excited about the party and spent a lot of money on it, they couldn't just tell him straight up.

They both were afraid of something happening to Felix, but because Felix looked so excited about the party and spent a lot of money on it, they couldn't just tell him straight up

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