13 - A Guy?

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Chan pinned Felix against the wall with both hands, the younger then looked up at him with wide eyes only to receive a laugh.

He blushed and instantly looked back down as he tried to hide it. He had no idea why he was blushing over a male or getting these kinds of feelings.

Then the bell rang, signaling that it was now time to dismiss school. Felix tried to escape but Chan tightened his grip on Felix, making the younger gasp a bit.

He looked up to the male who now looked as if he was on the verge of crying, so he instantly moved his hands to wrap them around Chan and hug him.

He patted Chan's hair as he finally let out his tears, sobbing against Felix's shirt which the younger didn't mind at all. He must be stressed, considering he had just broke up with his girlfriend. Then Felix decided, it was his turn to take cafe of the older.


"Here you go!" Felix chanted excitedly as he bought a tray of cookies over to the male that sat on the couch, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and holding a teddy bear.

The older really didn't want to cuddle this bear but Felix ended up making him anyway, he really wanted to be the one looking after Chan this time.

Chan just rolled his eyes and let the younger do whatever he wanted to. He bit into the cookie and instantly melted from the taste and flavor, it was warm, it wasn't too sweat, and it was soft.

He then turned to Felix, who was staring at him while biting his lips and staring at the older with puppy like eyes, waiting for his response.

He gave the boy a thumbs up and he instantly hugged the older tightly while laughing, causing Chan to smile softly. If anything, both Chan and Felix can make each other feel so much better during their worst times.

The two then watched movies together while cuddling and eating popcorn, which is something that they would normally do, but again, for some reason, Felix's heart was beating fast.

He just took in a deep breath and tried ignoring the feeling again but it only shifted more once Chan put his arms around the younger's waist and rested his head on Felix's shoulder. He then took this opportunity to try and distract himself.

"Ah Channie! Are you sleepy?" He asked, trying to get his mind off of the butterflies roaming through his stomach right now. Chan nodded and he grabbed the older's hand, pulling him upstairs to their bedroom since he didn't want Chan to sleep on the couch.

He laid Chan down and tucked him in before going to walk out back to the living room, but stopped once he felt Chan grab his hand. He slowly turned to the male who looked up at him, and his heart was about to burst out his chest at this rate.

"Stay with me." He said in a very sleepy voice. Felix just nodded slowly and went to lay down in the bed as well, the two laid with their backs facing each other until Chan turned off the light and turned to face Felix, that's when Felix's heart completely lost it and exploded.

He was literally screaming on the inside as he wondered why Chan suddenly turned off the light and faced him.

He then felt Chan's arms around his waist, making him shiver. Chan hugged him and fell asleep, but Felix on the other hand couldn't sleep. His heart was beating far too fast to go to sleep now and he had no idea why.

Felix had only ever had this sort of feeling to women he's either had a crush on or dated, but for some reason, he's having this feeling for a male. And this time, it's stronger than any female he's fell for.

"𝘋𝘰 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘰𝘯 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯?" He thought to himself before smacking himself in the head as he remembered that Yuri already had a crush on Chan, he wouldn't just do that to his friend. Plus, Chan wasn't even into men, and he and Yuri were already friends before so they had a higher chance of being together, or at least, that's what he thought.


"Hello? Earth to Felix." Seungmin said as he waved a hand in front of Felix, who instantly snapped out of zoning out. It's now lunch time and Felix has just been zoning out for the whole day.

He couldn't sleep at all last night because his heart wouldn't stop racing from Chan hugging him.

Chan and Felix always hug and cuddle each other, but recently Felix has been getting different feelings from them.

He knew he had a crush on Chan but kept denying it to himself for many reasons. He was deep in his thought, causing him to zone out again as his friends all looked at him with concern.


"O-Oh, y-yes?"

"Are you alright?"

"I'm okay."

He smiled, reassuring that he was fine. He then started to finally pick up his fork and eat. He chewed and chewed then drank some soda until his eyes caught a sight that made his heart burst, but not of happiness this time.

He looked over to see Yuri sit next to Chan, who sat with Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin. She was hugging him and flirting with him, not paying attention to the boys in front of her as she only shifted her attention to Chan.

It made Felix's heart shatter to see her with Chan, but he felt like he was being a bad friend for having this feeling so he tried his best to smile as his way of congratulating her from a distance, when really, he felt like not eating anymore.

He then started to wonder what Yuri would think about him if she knew he had feelings for Chan as all he could hear now was their laughs, causing him to zone out again.

Jisung caught onto this and stood up, grabbing Felix's hand and dragging him out the lunch room while Jeongin and Seungmin were just left confused.

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